Subcomponent | Activity | B.E.S.T. Standard |
Letter-Sound Correspondence | Map-A-Word | ELA.2.F.1.3 ELA.3.F.1.3 |
High Frequency Words | Jumping Words | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
High Frequency Words | Word Concentration | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
High Frequency Words | Say and Spell | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
High Frequency Words | Word Crazy | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Variant Correspondences | Giraffes, Goats, Cats, and Centipedes | ELA.2.F.1.3 ELA.3.F.1.3 |
Variant Correspondences | Roll and Read | ELA.2.F.1.3 ELA.3.F.1.3 |
Syllable Patterns | Syllables, Words, and Pictures | ELA.2.F.1.3 ELA.3.F.1.3 |
Syllable Patterns | Syllable Scoops | ELA.2.F.1.3 ELA.3.F.1.3 |
Syllable Patterns | Syllable Snake | ELA.2.F.1.3 ELA.3.F.1.3 |
Syllable Patterns | Syllable Cut-Ups | ELA.2.F.1.3 ELA.3.F.1.3 |
Syllable Patterns | Map and Swoop | ELA.2.F.1.3 ELA.3.F.1.3 |
Syllable Patterns | Six-Way Syllable Sort | ELA.2.F.1.3 ELA.3.F.1.3 |
Syllable Patterns | Syllable Trivia | ELA.2.F.1.3 ELA.3.F.1.3 |
Syllable Patterns | Syllable Share | ELA.2.F.1.3 ELA.3.F.1.3 |
Morpheme Structures | Compound Concentration | ELA.2.F.1.3 ELA.3.F.1.3 |
Morpheme Structures | Word Plus | ELA.2.F.1.3 ELA.3.F.1.3 |
Morpheme Structures | Covering the Bases | ELA.2.F.1.3 ELA.3.F.1.3 |
Morpheme Structures | Parting Words | ELA.2.F.1.3 ELA.3.F.1.3 |
Morpheme Structures | Affix Hunt | ELA.2.F.1.3 ELA.3.F.1.3 |
Morpheme Structures | Front or Back | ELA.2.F.1.3 ELA.3.F.1.3 |
Morpheme Structures | Base Word Sort | ELA.2.F.1.3 ELA.3.F.1.3 |
Morpheme Structures | Word Construction | ELA.2.F.1.3 ELA.3.F.1.3 |
Subcomponent | Activity | B.E.S.T. Standard |
Letter-Sound Correspondence | Letter-Sound Mix-Up | ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Letter-Sound Correspondence | Digraph and Diphthong Dash | ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Word Parts | Word Part Race | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Word Parts | Syllable Sprint | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Word Parts | Syllable Speed Practice | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Word Parts | Pick-A-Part | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Word Parts | Affix Zip | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Words | Word Family Zoom | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Words | Pass the Word | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Words | Word Sprint | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Words | Word Speed Practice | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Phrases | Fluent Phrasing | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Phrases | Fast Phrases | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Phrases | Phrase Speed Practice | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Phrases | Phrase Progression | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Chunked Text | Chunk-King | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Chunked Text | Chunk-A-Lot | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Chunked Text | Chunky Passages | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Chunked Text | Chunk It! | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Connected Text | Listen and Read | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Connected Text | Reading Wiz | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Connected Text | Two To Read | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Connected Text | All Together Now | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Connected Text | I Read, You Read | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Connected Text | Yo Leo, Tu Lees (I Read, You Read, Spanish) | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Connected Text | Read and Read Again | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Connected Text | Play It Up! | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Connected Text | Copy Cat! | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Connected Text | Poetry Reading | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Connected Text | Rapid Read | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Connected Text | Listen To Me | ELA.2.F.1.4 ELA.3.F.1.4 |
Subcomponent | Activity | B.E.S.T. Standard |
Morphemic Elements | Affix Match | ELA.2.V.1.2 ELA.3.V.1.2 |
Morphemic Elements | Affix Action | ELA.2.V.1.2 ELA.3.V.1.2 |
Morphemic Elements | Build-A-Word | ELA.2.V.1.2 ELA.3.V.1.2 |
Morphemic Elements | Sentence Match | ELA.2.V.1.2 ELA.3.V.1.2 |
Morphemic Elements | Root-A-Word | ELA.2.V.1.2 ELA.3.V.1.2 |
Word Meaning | Word Wise | ELA.2.V.1.3 ELA.3.V.1.3 |
Word Meaning | Oh My Word! | ELA.2.V.1.3 ELA.3.V.1.3 |
Word Meaning | Word Wrap | ELA.2.V.1.3 ELA.3.V.1.3 |
Word Meaning | Inside Information | ELA.2.V.1.3 ELA.3.V.1.3 |
Word Meaning | Word Web | ELA.2.V.1.3 ELA.3.V.1.3 |
Word Analysis | Extreme Words | ELA.2.V.1.1 ELA.3.V.1.1 |
Word Analysis | Word Wake-Up | ELA.2.V.1.1 ELA.3.V.1.1 |
Word Analysis | Category Cube | ELA.2.V.1.1 ELA.3.V.1.1 |
Word Analysis | Category Sort | ELA.2.V.1.1 ELA.3.V.1.1 |
Word Analysis | Meaning Map | ELA.2.V.1.1 ELA.3.V.1.1 |
Word Analysis | Concept Connection | ELA.2.V.1.1 ELA.3.V.1.1 |
Word Analysis | Alike and Different | ELA.2.V.1.1 ELA.3.V.1.1 |
Word Analysis | Attribute Analysis | ELA.2.V.1.1 ELA.3.V.1.1 |
Word Analysis | Analogy Basketball | ELA.2.V.1.1 ELA.3.V.1.1 |
Word Analysis | Analogy Action | ELA.2.V.1.3 ELA.3.V.1.1 |
Words in Context | Word Filler | ELA.2.V.1.3 ELA.3.V.1.3 |
Words in Context | What-A-Word | ELA.2.V.1.3 ELA.3.V.1.3 |
Words in Context | Multiple Meaning Match | ELA.2.V.1.3 ELA.3.V.1.3 |
Words in Context | Meaning Exchange | ELA.2.V.1.3 ELA.3.V.1.3 |
Words in Context | Word Express | ELA.2.V.1.3 ELA.3.V.1.3 |
Words in Context | Meaning Maker | ELA.2.V.1.3 ELA.3.V.1.3 |
Words in Context | Word Why | ELA.2.V.1.3 ELA.3.V.1.3 |
Words in Context | Ask-Explain-List | ELA.2.V.1.3 ELA.3.V.1.3 |
Subcomponent | Activity | B.E.S.T. Standard |
Narrative Text Structure | Características del Personaje (Character Characteristics, Spanish) | ELA.2.R.1.1 ELA.3.R.1.1 |
Narrative Text Structure | Character Characteristics | ELA.2.R.1.1 ELA.3.R.1.1 |
Narrative Text Structure | Compare-A-Character | ELA.2.R.1.1 ELA.3.R.1.1 |
Narrative Text Structure | Story Element Web | ELA.2.R.1.1 ELA.2.R.1.2 ELA.3.R.1.2 |
Narrative Text Structure | Retell Ring | ELA.2.R.3.2 ELA.3.R.3.2 |
Narrative Text Structure | Volver A Contar Una Historia (Retell-A-Story, Spanish) | ELA.2.R.3.2 ELA.3.R.3.2 |
Narrative Text Structure | Retell-A-Story | ELA.2.R.3.2 ELA.3.R.3.2 |
Narrative Text Structure | Compare-A-Story | ELA.2.R.3.3 ELA.3.R.3.3 |
Expository Text Structure | Just the Facts | ELA.2.R.2.2 ELA.3.R.2.2 |
Expository Text Structure | Reading the Research | ELA.2.C.4.1 ELA.3.C.4.1 |
Text Analysis | Compare and Contrast | ELA.2.R.3.3 ELA.3.C.4.1 |
Text Analysis | Persuade, Inform, and Entertain Sort | ELA.2.R.2.3 ELA.3.R.2.3 |
Monitoring for Understanding | Sum Summary! | ELA.2.R.3.2 ELA.3.R.3.2 |