Student Experience



As a university-based research center, FCRR is committed to preparing future researchers and leaders. FCRR faculty provide mentorship and training to undergraduate and graduate students across Florida State University. Through courses, research assistantships, and practice/policy apprenticeships, students become members of a large interdisciplinary intellectual community.


Stewards of Reading Research



Student Spotlight

Researcher Spotlight

jordan dozier

Doctoral Student

special education


Jordan Dozier is a Ph.D. student in the College of Education and an R2D2 Fellow under Dr. Laura Steacy. Jordan’s research interests include Dyslexia intervention at the middle and high school level.

Researcher Spotlight

lexi Elara

Doctoral Student

Learning and cognition


Lexi Elara is a Ph.D. student in the Educational Psychology department Learning and Cognition program, as well as a FIREFLIES fellow. She is interested in early language and literacy development and interventions for students at-risk for reading disabilities.

Researcher Spotlight

cj espittia

Doctoral Student

reading education and language arts


C.J. Espittia is a Ph.D. student in Reading Education and Language Arts, as well as an R2D2 fellow working with Dr. Sonia Cabell. She graduated from the University of Florida in 2020 with her master's degree in early childhood education. Before starting her Ph.D., she worked in Miami-Dade County as a 2nd grade reading teacher and a preschool teacher. C.J.’s research interests include early literacy prevention and intervention for high-risk populations, as well as bridging the gap between research and practice for early childhood stakeholders. Through R2D2, she will also be pursuing the Graduate Certificate in Dyslexia at the University of Florida.

Featured Student Products

FCRR faculty create opportunities for students to disseminate research in variety of ways with diverse stakeholders, including researchers, educators, clinicians, policy makers, community leaders, families, and caregivers. Please explore our student-developed resources below.

Debbie Slik and Cynthia Norris offer practitioner-friendly recommendations to strengthen the language and reading skills of African American students through mindful teaching practices.

In episode 1, part 2, Jordan Dozier and Stephanie Estrera continue to chat about the state of science when it comes to the incorporation of genetic data in education research.