William T. Grant Foundation: Institutional Challenge Grant

Project Purpose
The Institutional Challenge Grant aims to address educational disparities and extend ReadUP, an existing research-practice partnership between the Florida Center for Reading Research and Leon County Schools (LCS) that has already informed programming and instruction. Through this project, partnership activities will extend to include another school district: Florida A&M University Developmental Research School (FAMUDRS). Together, partners will use the award to build capacity within the participating districts to generate and use research to reduce disparities in student achievement and school success. Partners will also use the award encourage institutional changes at both Florida State University (FSU) and Florida A&M University (FAMU). For example, programming will be developed for mid-career faculty at both universities to improve their capacity to participate in research-practice partnerships. Three faculty fellows will also generate new projects in areas prioritized by the districts.
In addition, FSU will develop a competitive award program to recognize and support mid-career and senior faculty who are committed to collaborating with community partners to produce research that is rigorous, relevant, and impactful. FAMU's College of Education will also develop structures that support faculty in conducting research that is beneficial for FAMUDRS.
Finally, leaders at both universities will work with partners from the National Network of Education Research-Practice Partnerships to create resources to build faculty and university capacity related to research-practice partnerships and to highlight successful research-practice partnership projects. Ultimately, the team will develop a toolkit and framework to help other public research universities, including predominantly White institutions (PWIs) and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), promote research-practice partnerships as a strategy for engaging in public impact research to address disparities in their local communities that also supports faculty advancement, student development, and research productivity.
Intended Outcomes
- leverage existing partnerships, structures, and resources in the universities and the local Tallahassee community to address educational disparities, in general, and in reading achievement, specifically
- create sustainable institutional changes at two universities (FSU and FAMU) and two school districts (LCS and FAMUDRS) and improve their capacity to generate and use research evidence to address educational inequities
- develop a framework and toolkit that constitutes a playbook for public research universities like FSU and FAMU to use research-practice partnerships to address disparities in their college towns
Community Engaged Research Partnership Award Program: Pilot Program
We are pleased to announce the continuation of the Community Engaged Research Partnership Award! The award program is intended to both recognize and support mid-career and senior faculty at FSU who are committed to collaborating with community partners to produce research that is rigorous, relevant, and impactful.
The Application Portal is now open! Program continuation is contingent upon available funding and program success. Questions about the program can be directed to the Principal Investigator, Nicole Patton Terry, at npattonterry@fsu.edu.
Congratulations to the previous recipients of the inaugural Community Engaged Research Partnership Award:
Faculty Member: Dr. Alisha Gaines (English)
Community Partner: Dr. Joy Banner, Co- Founder & Co-Director, The Descendants Project
Research Partnership Project: Best Practices: Descendant-Driven Tourism in the Afro-Gulf South
Faculty Member: Dr. Tyler McCreary (Geography)
Community Partner: David DeWit, Natural Resources Department, Office of the Wet’suwet’en
Research Partnership Project: Building Technological Capacity in Indigenous Natural Resource Governance Drones in the Context of Wet’suwet’en Lands Management
Faculty Member: Dr. Mollie Romano (Communication Science & Disorders)
Community Partner: Donna Hines, Education Manager, Kids Incorporated of the Big Bend
Research Partnership Project: Supporting Infant Toddler Teachers in Early Head Start Programs
Florida State University and Florida A&M University Researchers Partner with Leon County Schools and FAMU Developmental Research School to Address Educational Disparities
They've been awarded a 2022 Institutional Challenge Grant through the William T. Grant Foundation, Spencer Foundation, and Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.
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