The Florida Center for Reading Research is committed to providing quality training and resources to support Florida State University graduate students. While in graduate school, students may have unique needs related to career planning, as well as questions about how to achieve post-graduate career goals both inside and outside the academy. Below are valuable resources to assist you.
We encourage you to view this wonderful series of webinars on the job search and all aspects of it, from preparing your materials to interviewing and negotiating.
CEC-DR Academic Job Search Series (Special Education)
- What is the Job Search process?
- How do I Prepare my Application?
- What Should I Expect in an Initial Interview?
- What Happens During an On-Campus Interview?
- What About the Job Talk?
- You Got the Job, Now What: Negotiating!
Advice on writing your materials and interviewing
- The Professor is In Podcast- Episode 2.3- Revisiting "Don't Act Like a Grad Student"
- The Professor is In Blog:
Interview Questions
Mary Corbin Sies:
Professor is In Blog: Negotiation as Therapy Blogpost from The Professor is In
Job Postings
Here are just a few of the many websites with job postings (most professional organizations have job boards too).
- Chronicle of Higher Education
- Higher Ed Jobs
- American Educational Research Association
- Council for Exceptional Children
- Higher Education Consortium in Special Education
- International Reading Association
- NoleNetwork
- Career Center Library Links (See Section VI: Opportunities)
- Ph.D.’s at Work
- Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
- The Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (STEM careers)
- CAPCSD- Council of Academic Programs in Communication Science and Disorders
Preparing Future Faculty (PFF)
The Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) Program assists Florida State’s doctoral students (and others headed toward academic careers) prepare for future faculty work. Through participation in coursework, workshops/seminars, trainings, and mentoring, PFF Fellows increase their awareness of expectations for faculty performance and of resources available to aid in scholarly careers, and build their readiness to address research, teaching and related demands of faculty life.
For additional information, click here.
The Office of the Provost, in partnership with The Graduate School, has launched a website for FSU’s new Graduate Student Resource Center (GSRC), which is a virtual hub for graduate student resources and information. This website is an ideal place to refer graduate students who need additional assistance with academic skills or support in addressing challenges that negatively impact degree progress.
Graduate Student Resource Center
The GSRC website currently highlights three opportunities offered by campus partners who are collaborating on doctoral student initiatives:
1. University Libraries is offering graduate skills workshops that include sessions on citation management; literature review; and data management, analysis, and visualization. Doctoral students who attend at least one of these workshops will be eligible to apply for a new travel grant program designed to augment funding currently available from academic departments and the Congress of Graduate Students.
2. The Career Center is offering doctoral students a set of activities to improve readiness for employment in academic and non-academic positions, including virtual mock job interviews and consultations with a new Career Liaison staff member. Additionally, master’s and doctoral students immediately have access to virtual job planning and placement skills modules (for academic and non-academic careers) through two digital e-learning platforms.
3. The Center for the Advancement of Teaching (CAT) is offering a new complement of workshops, reading groups, and other activities designed to help Teaching Assistants (TAs) build knowledge of evidence-informed approaches to instruction and ongoing development to benefit current FSU undergraduate students and TA employment outcomes.
Megan Crowe – Graduate Liaison – FSU Career Center
Megan Crowe, Assistant Director, The Career Center / (850) 644-8139
Dunlap Student Success Center, Suite 1200
FSU Career Center
Graduate Job Search Resources
- Explore Post-Graduate Career Options
- Careers in Academia
- Careers in Industry
- International Job Search
Graduate School Catalog of Professional Development
What Does a Professor Do?
More information about institutions of higher ed
Carnegie Classifications of Institutions of Higher Education:
Advice & Guidance for your Job Search