Jordan Dozier, M.A.T.

Contact Information
Jordan Dozier is a third year PhD student at Florida State University and an Office of Special Education Programs fellow. He is interested in dyslexia, word reading development, and adolescent literacy. Specifically, he is interested in how student word reading abilities develop alongside the increasingly complex words they are expected to read over the course of schooling. He has experience as a classroom teacher, literacy interventionist, and school leader.
Currently, he is working on a project funded by the Institute of Education Sciences that focuses on instructional techniques to support students with dyslexia in reading complex words. He is also involved in a grant funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development exploring new predictors of word reading growth from kindergarten to first grade. Additionally, Jordan is a mentee on a new Learning Disabilities Innovation Hub Grant funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. As a mentee on this interdisciplinary LD Hub grant, Jordan will have the opportunity to work with scientists with diverse skills and areas of expertise.