Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade practice guide:
Recommendation 3: Teach students to decode words, analyze word parts, and write and recognize words
- How-to Step 3: Teach students to recognize common word parts.
- How-to Step 4: Have students read decodable words in isolation and in text.
- Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade practice guide pages 26-28
- Professional Learning Communities Facilitator’s Guide pages 46-52
- Professional Learning Communities Participant’s Activities
- Activity 27: Prepare to Share (completed) pg. 33
- Activity 28: Video-Viewing Guide, Decodable Words in Isolation and in Text pg. 35
- Activity 29: Manipulating Word Parts with Sound Boxes pg. 36
- Activity 30: Decodable Words in Isolation and In Text Activity, pg. 38
- Activity 31: Decodable Words in Isolation and In Text Lesson Plan Template, pg. 39
- Activity 32: Prepare to Share; decodable text, pg. 40
- PowerPoint Slides for Session 7