Session 3.3

During this session, educators will create a timeline in which they will outline and briefly describe a minimum of eight small group lessons, where each lesson targets specific areas of need that were highlighted from the results of the pre-assessment data (i.e., most recent benchmark scores, additional pre-assessment diagnostic screeners, and language proficiency scores where applicable) that was collected. Included in the outline should be clear connections between the targeted instruction and the pre-assessment and benchmark data. Additionally, each participant should indicate how they plan to implement a curriculum-based measure (CBM) to monitor each student’s reading progress during the learning segment.

Indicators targeted:  4.12, 4.14 - 4.18, 5.2 - 5.11, 5.13, 5.15 



  • Activity 2.1.2: Teacher Benchmark/Assessment Data Review (Finalized)
  • Activity 2.2.3: Teacher WIDA Data Review (If applicable and finalized)
  • Teacher Results from DIBELS 8 or Alternate Screener (finalized in a chart/table format with qualitative descriptors of the data)
  • Teacher Results from the IRI Data Collection (i.e., Sample QRI-6 Data Collection sheet; finalized in a chart/table format with qualitative descriptors of the data)
  • Access to the instructional resources compiled from Session 3.1 or access to texts and/or resources related to the focus group’s area(s) of need in reading
  • Access to a reading probe/CBM that can capture the focus group’s progress related to specific area(s) in reading


Additional Materials to Consider


Define Session Goals

The educator will…

  • Use the preassessment data from the benchmark and additional screeners, along with instructional resources and progress monitoring CBMs, to create an instructional plan for small group intervention and assessment.
  • Begin implementing the instructional plan upon leaving today’s session.


Introduce Session Overview

Indicate that momentarily, the participants will spend majority of the session either working together in small groups, pairs, or individually, to review all of the identified materials above and begin creating an instructional outline that will depict when each small group intervention lesson and progress monitoring assessment will take place. This session may feel similar to the Session 3.1 session, where the participants were beginning to collect instructional resources/materials/ideas related to the needs of their focus group of students. The difference in this session is that participants will use that information to create a timeline for instruction. If there is additional time, the participants may begin creating the actual lesson plans that will inform the small group instruction.

Using class-level data and pre-test results, participants will identify methods and instructional recommendations to support ELLs and students with identified disabilities in their progress monitoring plan to ensure testing accurately assesses reading skills. Participants will need to outline a minimum of eight targeted reading skills (each may have a similar focus), in which they will build their small group lessons. Included in the outline should be clear connections between the targeted instruction and the pre-assessment and benchmark data. Additionally, instruction needs to include how the teacher plans to address higher order thinking, critical reading skills, academic language, and differentiated instruction based on the students’ testing results.

Sample Instructional Outline:

  • Lesson One: Identifying Multisyllabic Words (Due to miscues from substituting nonsense words)
    Using both class and pre-assessment data, provide a brief description as to why this lesson will be taught (5-6 sentences)
  • Lesson Two: Inflectional Endings (Due to miscues from substituting nonsense words and omitting grade level words)
    Using both class and pre-assessment data, provide a brief description as to why this lesson will be taught (5-6 sentences)
  • Progress Monitoring: Data Point Collection:
    Identify and describe the Instructional Tool used for progress monitoring; using the data for support, provide a rationale as to why this particular tool will be used (8 – 10 sentences)
  • Lesson Three: Inflectional Endings (Due to changing the tense at the end of the word)
    Using both class and pre-assessment data, provide a brief description as to why this lesson will be taught (5-6 sentences)
  • Lesson Four
  • Progress Monitoring Data Point Collection
  • Lesson Five
  • Lesson Six
  • Progress Monitoring Data Point Collection
  • Lesson Seven
  • Lesson Eight



Allow the participants to work together in small groups, pairs, or individually, to review all of the identified materials above and begin creating an instructional outline that will depict when each small group intervention lesson and progress monitoring assessment will take place. If they finish before the allocated time has concluded, they can begin working on creating the actual lesson plans for each small group instruction session. Participants can use their own organizer or the template provided by the facilitator (i.e., the Instructional Outline Worksheet for Focus Group Students).


Reflect and Next Steps

Let the participants know that for Session Four, most of the work will be completed in the field with their focus group of students. They will meet three different times to check in the with facilitator and their peers to confirm that they are on the right track or if they need to make modifications, based on what they are observing during the small group instruction and with the students’ progress monitoring information.