Session 3: Data-Based Instruction Plan: Data Analysis Review and Plan Development

Session Three is designed to assist participants in understanding how to synthesize all preassessment data analyses (including benchmark, additional screening, and language proficiency data) in a way that illuminates specifics areas of need for the students within the focus group. Using this information, participants will begin identifying instructional teaching methods and reading interventions that will target the learning gaps for this set of students.

Furthermore, participants will create a series of eight small group lessons designed to address the students’ gaps of learning, as well as providing additional accommodations as needed, in order to assist the focus group of students in making progress towards specific reading outcomes and learning gains. Instruction needs to include how the teacher plans to address higher order thinking, critical reading skills, academic language, and differentiated instruction based on the students’ testing results.

Finally, this session will provide a review for progress monitoring and help participants set progress monitoring goals for the small group of students they are working with for this project.

Session 3.1: Review of Pre-Assessment Data and Reading Instruction

In this session, participants will finalize and gather all preassessment data previously identified from Session Two: Pre-Assessment Review and Administration. As participants analyze and triangulate patterns of performance across each document, they should be able to identify a few specific areas of need, based on the focus group’s assessment results. Once areas of need have been highlighted and targeted, the participants will begin reviewing reading instruction and intervention that corresponds with the identified need.

Indicators targeted: 4.12, 4.13, 5.1, 5.14

Session 3.2: Review of Progress Monitoring

Participants will review both formal and informal means in which teachers progress monitor students’ performance related to both the grade-level standards and individual student goals in this session. Secondly, participants will review concepts tied to systematic methods for collecting and monitoring students’ progress towards specific reading goals. Finally, participants will begin thinking about and exploring which curriculum-based measure (CBM) might work best in documenting the focus group of students as they progress towards their learning outcomes.

Indicators targeted: 4.12, 5.1

Session 3.3: Instructional Methods Timeline & Overview

During this session, participants will create a timeline in which they will outline and briefly describe a minimum of eight small group lessons, where each lesson targets specific areas of need that were highlighted from the results of the pre-assessment data (i.e., most recent benchmark scores, additional pre-assessment diagnostic screeners, and language proficiency scores where applicable) that was collected. Included in the outline should be clear connections between the targeted instruction and the pre-assessment and benchmark data. Additionally, each participant should indicate how they plan to implement a curriculum-based measure (CBM) to monitor each student’s reading progress during the learning segment.

Indicators targeted: 4.12, 4.14 - 4.18, 5.2 - 5.11, 5.13, 5.15