Dr. Jamie Quinn: 2018 Rebecca Sandak Young Investigator Award Recipient

Scientific Study of Reading

Dr. Nicole Patton-Terry, appointed board member and Publications Committee Chair for the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (left), presents Dr. Jamie Quinn with the Rebecca L. Sandak Award.

Dr. Jamie Quinn

Dr. Jamie Quinn

Methodologist, Florida Center for Reading Research

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — FCRR methodologist, Dr. Jamie Quinn, was presented the 2018 Rebecca L. Sandak Award on July 21 in Brighton, England. The award, conferred by the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, recognizes gifted young reading researchers who show outstanding promise and dedication to the field. It was established to honor the memory of Rebecca Sandak who passed away before her research goals and ideas could be fully realized.

Dr. Quinn’s academic career began in 2006 when she entered the field as an undergraduate researcher at Florida State University. She received her Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from FSU in 2016. After serving as a postdoctoral fellow for one year at the University of Texas at Austin in the Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk, she returned to FCRR in 2017 as a postdoctoral scholar. She is currently a Research Faculty I member in the quantitative division of FCRR, serving as a junior psychometrician on the Chan Zuckerburg Initiative-funded Reach Every Reader project, and as a mentee on the Variable Vowel Collaborative project. She also applies her expertise in meta-analytic structural equation modeling to assist in report writing for the Florida Learning Disabilities Research Center. Dr. Quinn’s dissertation on the topic was recently accepted for a forthcoming special issue of Child Development that focuses on meta-analysis. A copy of the in-press article may be found here.

Society for the Scientific Study of Reading award

Previous FSU-related recipients of the Sandak Award include FCRR faculty Yaacov Petscher (2011), Sara Hart (2014), and Laura Steacy (2017), as well as former FSU PIRT Fellow, Elizabeth Tighe (2015). For more information regarding the Sandak Award or the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, visit www.triplesr.org.

The Florida Center for Reading Research is a multidisciplinary research center at Florida State University that explores all aspects of reading research — basic research into literacy-related skills for typically developing readers and those who struggle, studies of effective prevention and intervention, and psychometric work on formative assessment. For more information, please contact Nathan Archer at narcher@fcrr.org.