Resource Database

Looking for additional research- and evidence-based resources? The FCRR Resource Database pulls together over 650 materials from across the center’s numerous research, innovation, and engagement activities. Users can search available materials by resource type, project, and stakeholder audience. We invite you to continue learning and growing with FCRR.

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By offering students access to courses not available in their home brick-and-mortar school, VirtualSC increases students' opportunities to create a more flexible and personalized learning pathway that better matches students' career interests.
Self-study guides provide evidence-based support for stakeholders as they make a multitude of decisions for intervention implementation.
This audio features Laurie Lee, manager of the REL SE Improving Literacy Research Alliance, LeighAnne Cheeseman and Jill Hoda, Asst. State Literacy Coordinators with Mississippi DoE, and Kirsten Wells, State Literacy Director for Mississippi DoE
In this podcast, REL Southeast Director Dr. Barbara Foorman discusses considerations of implementation of effective early literacy interventions based on evidence-based products released by the Institute of Education Sciences.
This second of two audio files highlights one of REL Southeast’s partners who is making equity an intentional part of designing and implementing CBE practices at the classroom and school level.
This first of two audio files highlights one of REL Southeast’s partners who is making equity an intentional part of designing and implementing CBE practices at the classroom and school level.
This interview featuring Dr. Osborne-Lampkin answers questions about the value of quality assessment processes and discusses the role of self-assessment in helping educators reflect and benchmark current practices against evidence-based norms.
Educators must learn quickly to mitigate the widespread and detrimental impacts of inequitable and ineffective virtual learning practices by rapidly iterating on lessons learned to improve distance learning implementation and outcomes.
Educators must learn quickly to mitigate the widespread and detrimental impacts of inequitable and ineffective virtual learning practices by rapidly iterating on lessons learned to improve distance learning implementation and outcomes.
With personalized learning taking a prominent position in North Carolina’s ESSA plan, many schools and school districts across the state are exploring the possibility of implementing personalized learning initiatives.
In this interview, Dr. Kathryn Kennedy, co-editor of the freely-available Handbook of Research on K-12 Online and Blended Learning, answers questions about connections between research, policy, and practice in the area of virtual education.
This recorded webinar features an overview of the Supporting Your Child's Reading at Home website and resources.
Career development research and theory suggest that growth in distinct areas is required to help adolescents develop strategically planned, adaptive, and proactive approaches to their post-high school transitions.
This video explains the self-study process as it relates to implementing evidence-based literacy practices.
In this video focused on the area of social presence, researcher Aimee Whiteside describes a few key concepts and strategies for helping online teachers to strengthen their relationships with students.
This video was developed by the REL SE Blended and Online Learning Research Alliance to provide an overview of several recent studies by researchers at Brigham-Young University in the area of online student attrition.
School readiness is an important issue for stakeholders across the country. Despite increased investments in interventions to support school readiness for children, large achievement gaps exist across income groups at school entry.
School readiness is an important issue for stakeholders across the country. Despite increased investments in interventions to support school readiness for children, large achievement gaps exist across income groups at school entry.
This video highlights components that help determine credibility when looking for high-quality research articles.
This video outlines several sources of information decision-makers may contend with when searching for information on improving student learning. Benefits and limitations of each source are discussed.
This video provides a brief overview of the Governing Board, research alliances and partnerships, dissemination activities, training, coaching, and technical assistance activities, applied research studies, and products and resources available.
This video illustrates the concepts of reliability and validity as they relate to evidence-based literacy practices.
Learning to read begins at home through everyday interactions with children, long before they attend school. These Family Activities with easy-to-follow instructions can help your child practice foundational reading skills.
With support from a trained facilitator, this PLC engages preschool teachers in regular, collaborative learning experiences to support their use of evidence-based language and literacy strategies when working with young children.