Session 6: What to Measure – Curriculum-Based Measures

What to Measure

Informal Reading Inventories




Define Session Goals

  • Define the purpose and features of curriculum-based measures.
  • Identify the types of curriculum-based measures.
  • Score curriculum-based measures.
  • Interpret data from curriculum-based measures.
  • Interpret data from a series of curriculum-based measures and informal reading inventory to make instructional decisions.


Define curriculum-based measures (slides 4-5)

  • Ask if anyone has administered curriculum-based measures (raise hands).
  • Review slide 4 explaining the features of curriculum-based measures.
  • Ask participants if they are familiar or use any of these sources.


Sample Curriculum-Based Measure (Slides 6-27)

DIBELS Practice


Overview of DIBELS (slide 7)

  • Share the information on slide 7 including the grade each measure is administered.
  • Play the video on administering DIBELS.
  • Ask if anyone has questions.
  • Ask if anyone has administered DIBELS before (show of hands).
  • Explain that DIBELS ends in 8th grade, but there are other curriculum-based measures that go through high school (e.g., AIMSWeb).


Phonological Awareness Review

  • Before the DIBELS phoneme segmentation fluency practice, review phonological awareness concepts (slide 8 and administer the Kahoot Review (slide 9).
  • Answer any questions and address any misconceptions.


DIBELS Practice Administration Videos (slides 10 – 27)

  • Handout the DIBELS Practice Packet.
  • On slides 10 through 23 walk through the DIBELS measures.
    • For each measure...
      • Review the directions on each direction slide.
      • Show the video and ask participants to score as they watch the administration video.
      • Ask if there are any questions.
      • After each video, discuss what the data tells us.
        • What does it assess?
        • How can it be used to inform instruction?
  • Introduce the Maze Measure (slide 24).
    • Explain there is no video administration as the child completes this measure independently.
    • Read through the directions.
    • Share the video on Maze scoring.
    • Review scoring rules.
    • Discuss what the Maze data tells us...
      • What does this assess?
      • How can it be used to inform instruction?
  • Using DIBELS...
    • Review slides 26 and 27.
    • Discuss DIBELS uses...
      • Screening.
      • Progress monitoring.
    • Explain when students are assessed using DIBELS (slide 26).
    • Review levels of support (slide 27).
    • Discuss how DIBELS assesses word recognition skills (phoneme segmentation, word reading fluency, nonword reading fluency, oral reading fluency) and comprehension (Maze, retelling).


Case Study: David

Interpreting Progress Monitoring Data

  • Introduce the case study of David.
    • Handout the case study packet.
    • Introduce the case.
      • Ms. Wise just completed some testing with David. David is in the 3rd grade and is receiving Tier II instruction to support his reading development. Ms. Wise needs some help interpreting some of this data.  Ms. Wise followed the same guidelines you were provided for your IRI and DIBELS.
    • Ask participants to read through the data and information in their summary table to respond to the 5 questions in the document.
  • Review responses.
    • Ask participants to share responses.
    • Confirm David’s reading level and DIBELS Scores.
    • Ask participants to share their statement of David’s reading performance framed in the Simple View of Reading.
    • Ask participants for instructional recommendations related to word identification and listening comprehension.


Review Culminating Project

  • Review the culminating project guidelines as they pertain to CBMs.
  • Ask participants what CBM they have access to.
  • Ask them to administer the assessment prior to the next session and complete the summary table with the information gathered from the CBM.
  • Ask them to bring the table to the next session with any questions about interpretations.