Session 3: Foundations of Assessment Part 2

Foundations of Assessment Part 2

  • Review technical adequacy of tests.
    • Reliability
    • Standard error of measurement and confidence intervals
    • Validity
    • Bias
  • Case Study: Marco




Define Session Goals

  • Define reliability and validity.
  • Explain the relationship between reliability and validity.
  • Explain how standard error of measurement is used in score interpretation.
  • Interpret scores with a provided confidence interval.
  • Explain the importance of representative norms when selecting a norm-referenced test.


Technical Adequacy of Tests

  • Review slide on technical adequacy (slide 4).
    • Watch the IES video on Reliability and Validity.
    • Ask participants to explain to the person next to them why reliability and validity are important considerations for assessment.
    • Review as a group.
  • Review slides on error (slides 5-7).
    • Slide on Standard Error of Measurement (slide 5)
    • Slide on Confidence Intervals (slide 6)
    • Ask participants to work in pairs or groups of 3 to interpret the scores on the Your Turn to Interpret Slide (slide 7).
      • Have volunteers provide their interpretation of each score and provide corrective feedback or specific praise as needed.
  • Review remaining slides on reliability and validity (slides 8-11).
    • Review slide on bias (slide 8).
    • Review slide on the relationship between reliability and validity (slide 9).
      • Ask participants to work in pairs to respond to the scenario: Lupe.
      • Ask them to discuss assessment considerations for Lupe while considering reliability and validity.
      • Return to the whole group and ask for example considerations.
      • Make sure to mention the appropriateness of the comparison to a norm group (e.g., background knowledge and experiences, proficiency in English necessary to understand the tasks required, etc.).
    • Review slide on important criteria for establishing validity (slide 10).


Case Study: Marco

Considerations for English Language Learners

  • Handout the case study of Marco.
  • Review the slide on Marco.
  • Have participants work in groups of approximately 3 to respond to each of the questions posed.
  • Return to the large group and have different groups report their responses to each question.
  • Discuss...
    • The importance of assessing Marco’s reading in both English and Spanish.
    • The need to monitor Marco’s progress frequently as he is still learning English.
    • The importance of assessing Marco’s English reading skills for the purpose of planning targeted instruction.
    • Issues of validity that are problematic if using a norm-referenced assessment with Marco.
    • Skills that should be assessed (e.g., not reading fluency if Marco is not yet able to decode sentences).