Session 7: Data Collection for Effective and Targeted Planning

Data Collection for Effective and Targeted Planning

  • Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
  • Reading Disabilities (e.g., Dyslexia)
  • Identifying Reading Disabilities
  • Case Study 3: Jarred




Define Session Goals

  • Define multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS).
  • Identify causes of reading difficulties.
  • Define dyslexia.
  • Explain how dyslexia is identified.
  • Explain the difference between the discrepancy model and MTSS.
  • Explain the assessment process used to individualize instruction using data-based individualization.
  • Analyze testing data from a series of assessments including standardized norm-referenced, informal reading inventories, curriculum-based measures and a reading attitude survey.
  • Interpret data from a series of assessments including standardized norm-referenced, informal reading inventories, curriculum-based measures and a reading attitude survey.


MTSS and Reading Difficulties

  • Share the IES video on MTSS (slide 4).
  • Ask, why is a wait and see approach problematic?
  • Ask, why is assessment essential in this process?
  • Ask, how do the purposes of assessment apply in this framework?
    • Screening
    • Diagnostic
    • Progress monitoring
    • Outcomes
  • Explain that reading difficulties generally have two causes: ineffective instruction and individual differences (slide 5).
    • Ask, how is MTSS useful in determining the cause of reading difficulties?



  • Define dyslexia.
    • Share video on dyslexia (slide 6).
    • Discuss how dyslexia influences reading.
    • Remind participants of the Simple View of Reading.
    • Ask them to explain dyslexia in their own words with a partner using the Simple View of Reading.
      • Discuss word identification difficulties.
      • Phonological processing difficulties.
      • Discuss the impact on comprehension (Matthew effects).
    • Watch the interview with Dr. Jack Fletcher (slide 7).
      • Discuss the impact of early intervention.
      • Ask, what does this mean for assessment?
        • Discuss the importance of ongoing assessment and targeting instruction based on assessment.
    • Review slide on identifying dyslexia (slides 8-10).
      • Emphasize the different assessments and importance of word identification and decoding assessments (e.g., nonword reading and word reading).
    • Share the interview with Dr. Chris Lemons on Data Based Individualization.
      • Ask, how is assessment used to intensify interventions for children with reading difficulties who are not benefitting from instruction.
      • Ask, how is ongoing assessment used as a problem solving process.
      • Walk through the figure on slide 11 to explain the importance of ongoing progress monitoring to support students with reading difficulties.


Case Study: Jarred

  • Handout the case study of Jarred.
  • Ask participants to review the case study in groups of 3.
  • Ask them to begin by taking a closer look at the data in the summary table and respond to questions 1-4 on p. 3.
  • Discuss as a whole group.
  • Next, ask participants to complete the remaining document summarizing the data in their groups.
  • Have groups share their present level of performance, target goals and instructional recommendations for Jarred with the larger group.
  • Provide feedback.


Review Culminating Project

  • Review the culminating project guidelines.
  • Ask participants to share their summary tables.
  • Ask participants to review their interpretations in small groups.
  • Ask participants to discuss recommendations based on the data.