Session 4: What to Measure - Norm-Referenced Standardized Measure Practice

What to Measure

Norm-Referenced Standardized Measure Practice

  • Revisiting the Simple View of Reading
  • Standardized, Norm-Referenced Reading Measures
  • Calculating Chronological Age
  • Basal and Ceiling Rules
  • Sample Practice Using the Woodcock Johnson Tests of Achievement IV Reading, Broad Reading and Basic Reading Composites




Define Session Goals

  • Define component skills related to word identification and listening comprehension in the Simple View of Reading.
  • Identify questions that reading assessments can answer.
  • Explain the importance of measuring breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge.
  • Calculate chronological age.
  • Define a basal and ceiling.
  • Identify what skills are being assessed from a sample standardized, norm referenced measure.
  • After viewing an assessor administering a standardized norm-referenced test, identify preparation, presentation, administration procedures observed on a checklist.
  • Interpret a sample score report from a standardized norm-referenced measure.


Set the Focus

  • Revisit the Simple View of Reading.
  • Review slides on what to assess (Slides 4-8).


Standardized Norm-Referenced Tests


  • Review procedures for calculating chronological age (slides 10-14).
    • Show examples (slides 11-13).
    • Allow time for practice calculating chronological age (slide 14).
    • Have partners compare responses (slide 14).
    • Provide corrective feedback by walking through the practice item while thinking aloud (slide 14).
  • Review basal and ceiling rules.
    • Ask for questions and examples.
    • Ask if it is possible to fail to establish a basal and ask for an explanation.
    • Discuss why it is necessary to establish a ceiling.


Example Standardized Norm-Referenced Test

The Woodcock Tests of Achievement IV Reading Subtests and Clusters

  • Identify the tests to be reviewed (slide 16 & 17).
  • Handout the assessment checklist and review slide 18.
    • Explain that there are several considerations when administering norm-referenced standardized tests that involve preparation and planning.
    • Review the items on the list with the group.
    • Explain this is not an exhaustive list and ask why these items are important?
    • Prompt to use the list while videos are shown.
    • Prompt to review items that are not observable in clips and explain that these will be revisited after watching the administration videos.
  • Show Clips and review items in the example (slides 19-22).
    • After each clip ask what aspect of the simple view of reading is being assessed.
    • Prompt to review what was observed in the checklist.
    • Continue through all videos.
  • Form small groups for participants to review the checklist and respond to the questions on slide 23.
    • Discuss responses as a whole group.
    • Ask what questions or concerns they have related to administering a standardized measure.
    • Let participants know they can use this checklist to prepare for their own administration.


Score Interpretation

  • Handout Competency 3 Session 4 Activity Sheet.
  • Ask participants to work in groups of 2-3.
  • Remind participants that scores have a mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15.
  • Ask to interpret the standard scores and percentile ranks for the cluster tests.
  • Ask to explain the child’s overall reading ability.
  • Ask to explain the child’s overall reading ability in terms of the Simple View of Reading.
  • After groups share their responses, discuss whether the Woodcock Tests of Achievement IV is a comprehensive assessment of reading – why or why not?
    • Discuss that it measures all areas of reading while referring back to slide 16.
    • Discuss other areas that may be assessed depending on the needs.
    • Discuss the primary purposes of this assessment (diagnostic, outcome).


Review Culminating Project

  • Review the culminating project guidelines as they pertain to standardized assessments.
  • Ask participants what standardized assessment in reading they have access to.
  • Ask them to administer the assessment prior to the next session and complete the summary table with the standardized assessment.
  • Ask them to bring the table to the next session.