Session 2: Foundations of Assessment Part 1

Foundations of Assessment Part 1

  • Review purposes for assessment
  • Define different types of assessment
    • Summative versus formative assessment
    • Informal versus formal
    • Norm- versus criterion- referenced
  • Review how to Interpret Norm Referenced Test Scores
    • Scores of relative standing
    • Developmental scores
  • Explain problems interpreting developmental scores
  • Practice interpreting standard scores and percentile ranks




Define Session Goals

  • Explain the different purposes of assessment.
  • Define and distinguish between formative and summative assessment.
  • Define and distinguish between formal and informal assessment.
  • Define and distinguish between norm- and criterion- referenced assessment.
  • Explain how assessments may be used for screening, diagnosis, progress monitoring, and outcomes.
  • Interpret scores of relative standing and developmental scores.
  • Identify problems associated with developmental scores.


Purposes of Assessment

Application Activity

  • After reviewing the following slides and video conduct a think, pair and share with the group.
  • Handout Session 2 Activity Sheet 1
  • Using think, pair and share
    • Have groups explain how they use various reading assessments for the following purposes:
      • Screening
      • Diagnostic
      • Progress Monitoring
      • Outcomes
    • Ask pairs to join another pair (creating a group of 4) and share their responses. Ask them to note if anyone uses the same assessments for different purposes.
    • After 2 minutes, ask the groups of 4 to review the information about Eve and identify:
      • The purpose of the classwide assessment conducted.
      • What Eve’s teacher should do next?
      • How Eve’s teacher should use the information gathered from the next step of the assessment process?
  • Whole group discussion
    • Ask groups to share how they use assessment for different purposes.
    • Ask groups to share their decision making for Eve.
    • Explain that gathering additional diagnostic information can help Eve’s teacher pinpoint a particular area in which Eve needs more instruction.
    • Then, discuss what would follow including targeted instruction to address Eve’s goals and progress monitoring to determine if the targeted instruction is working.


Interpreting Test Scores

  • Review slides comparing scores of relative standing with developmental scores (slides 9 & 10).
    • Interpreting Norm Referenced Tests
    • A Few Example Problems with Developmental Scores
    • Emphasize that developmental scores are often easily misinterpreted and misunderstood and that professional organizations advocate scores of relative standing.
  • Review slide on the purpose of norm-referenced tests (slide 11).
    • Share the video on norm-referenced tests and what the scores mean Southeast.
    • Ask teachers to turn to a partner and explain the purpose of norm-referenced tests using the information presented in the video.
    • Explain that the purpose is to determine how a student performs, but instead how a student performs compared to a norm group.
  • Review interpretation of standard scores and percentile ranks (slides 12-14).
    • Review standard scores with a mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15 (slide 12) and have participants chorally respond to the questions.
    • Discuss which scores are easier to explain and interpret (slide 13).
    • Ask participants to turn to the person next to them and explain the standard and percentile ranks (slide 14).
      • Review as a whole group.