Session 5.1: Post-Assessment Data Review and Administration with Universal Screening Measure & Reading Diagnostic

Participants will discuss post-test assessment results and determine the learning gains and skills mastered by each student in their small group. Educators will discuss the further instructional recommendations and subsequent instructional needs and potential additional interventions.

Indicators targeted: 5.1, 5.12




Additional Materials to Consider

For training purposes in Session 5, the facilitators will present portions of the same informal reading inventory (i.e., Qualitative Reading Inventory-6 [Leslie and Caldwell, 2017] used in Session 2.4). Since this publication is protected by copyright law, limited photocopies will be available to participants. Participants in this session who do not have access to their own copy of Leslie and Caldwell’s (2017) QRI-6 will need to purchase or borrow the same informal reading inventory (i.e., QRI, ARI, IRI) instrument used to complete Part B of the Data-Based Instruction Plan. If the educator’s school does not have copies to lend out, here is a list of suggested commercially developed informal reading inventories the participant may consider purchasing or borrowing:

  • Bader, L., and Pearce, D. (2013). Bader Reading and Language Inventory (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
  • Burns, P., and Roe, B. (2010). Informal Reading Inventory (12th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Johns, J. (2010). Basic Reading Inventory: Pre-Primer Through Grade Twelve and Early Literacy Assessment (11th ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt.
  • Leslie, L. and Caldwell, J. (2017). Qualitative Reading Inventory (6th ed.). Pearson.
  • Woods, M. and Moe, A. (2010). Analytic Reading Inventory: Comprehensive Standards Based Assessment for all Students Including Gifted and Remedial (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.


Define Session Goals

  • Discuss post-test assessment results and determine the learning gains and skills mastered by each student.
  • Discuss the further instructional recommendations and subsequent instructional needs and potential additional interventions.
  • Determine additional interventions that are appropriate and clearly linked to students’ strengths and weaknesses.


Review Collection of Post Assessment Data

In this session, the facilitator will remind participants of the importance in collecting summative data and reviewing the data to see what gains (if any) were made by the students. In order to compare learning gains from the pre- to post assessments, the participants will need to use the same instruments (i.e., DIBELS 8th Screener and/or QRI-6 instruments) that they used to collect preassessment data.

Once the post assessments have been administered, the participants will need to analyze the data (including errors, student strengths/weaknesses, growth). This information will be shared in the Part D of the Data-Based Instruction Plan.


Reflect and Next Steps

Next Steps. Participants will need to post-assess the students in the focus group and bring their own post-test assessment results and share their post-test results in the final session.