For Communities

Welcome to FCRR! We are dedicated to ensuring that all children are reading and succeeding in school. Communities play an important role in helping children learn and grow their reading and literacy skills. Community members can deliver programming, provide services, raise funding, and advocate for policies that support children's learning inside and outside of schools. Here, you can find resources to support all children in your community. FCRR invites you to use the resources below to make evidence-based and evidence-informed decisions to improve reading for all learners. 

We are currently aware of some broken links on our website due to recent changes made by our partner sites. We are actively reviewing and updating these links. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this process. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact us.

What Community Groups Can Do to Help All Children Learn to Read?

What Community Groups Can Do to Help All Children Learn to Read

Learn about steps community organizations can take to help more children learn to read.

How Community Groups Can Serve Children Who Most Need Help

How Community Groups Can Serve Children Who Most Need Help

Tips for finding and serving children in the community who could benefit from your support.

The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading

A Community Driven Example: The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading

Supports local Grade-Level Reading Campaigns by acting as a hub, broker, dissemination channel, and accelerator for established and emerging practice, policy, ideas, data and research.

Early Literacy: A Community Commitment (A Role for Business Leaders)

How Business Leaders Can Help Early Literacy: A Community Commitment (A Role for Business Leaders)

Learn about how to support early childhood literacy by building awareness, making connections, and sharing resources with preschools and families in your community.

K-3 Reading Tutors

Maximize Extended Learning Time: K-3 Reading Tutors

Information and a guided process to plan and implement a tutoring program for students in grades K-3.

The Why: Three Principles to Improve Outcomes for Children and Families

The Why: Three Principles to Improve Outcomes for Children and Families

Learn about three principles to guide programs and policies to improve outcomes for children and families.

Advocate: Reading Reform Across America—A Survey of State Legislation

Advocate: Reading Reform Across America—A Survey of State Legislation

Explore recent legislation related to reading in your state.

How Funders Can Help: The Center for High Impact Philanthropy

How Funders Can Help: The Center for High Impact Philanthropy

Actionable guidance on investing to impact education and youth.

Advocate: The State of Dyslexia

Developing Strong Foundational Literacy Skills in Children — It Takes All of Us! 

Learn about resources on foundational literacy for communities, state and district leaders, families and caregivers, and teachers and school leaders.

Advocate: Reading Reform Across America—A Survey of State Legislation

Community Engagement & Empowerment Kits

Learn more about kits developed to offer parents and children engaging books and activities to deliver fun, literacy-based activities to students.