Support for Georgia’s Whole Child Initiative

This RC6 project provides needs assessment, data analysis, and evaluation support to the GaDOE’s Office of Whole Child Supports as they address non-academic barriers to student learning. RC6 support includes reporting on the progress of schools involved in a state wraparound services pilot program. In 2018-19, the GaDOE began a pilot initiative to help CSI/TSI/Promise schools implement wraparound services (and funded a half-time Wraparound Specialist in each of the 16 Regional Education Service Agencies or RESAs to provide this support). In Years 1 and 2, the RC6 supported the GaDOE’s need for information on the extent of implementation of wraparound services in CSI/TSI/Promise schools by generating an Implementation Analysis Report based on surveys of the RESA Wraparound Specialists. In Year 3, the RC6 is expanding the support to this GaDOE Office to reflect its new responsibilities.

Support includes:

  1. summarizing the implementation progress and experiences of mostly low-performing pilot schools receiving support and guidance from the GaDOE in implementing wraparound service strategies to address students’ non-academic barriers; or in implementing a Whole Child Community School Model using a certification process; and
  2. helping the GaDOE’s expanded Office of Whole Child Supports in assessing statewide needs on non-academic barriers to learning, in using existing data sources more comprehensively through the development of Certified Personnel Index Data Dashboard, and in developing evaluation metrics to monitor school and statewide progress in addressing non-academic barriers.
Wendy McColskey