These are the bylaws for the Florida Center for Reading Research (hereafter referred to as FCRR or The Center) at Florida State University (FSU). These bylaws were last approved on December 10, 2021 by a majority of the applicable voting members of FCRR and on December 10, 2021 by the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) and the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement (FDA).
FSU’s interdisciplinary programs and centers have goals that reflect the research, education, an service missions of The University. FCRR was established by Governor Jeb Bush in January 2002 at FSU to address goals captured in state statute (SB 2048 Section 36. Section 1004.64, Florida Statutes). FCRR is constituted within and reports to OVPR.
FCRR is an interdisciplinary research center at FSU. Drawing from multiple disciplines, FCRR investigates all aspects of reading and reading-related skills across the lifespan. Through rigorous and robust research, innovation, and engagement, FCRR advances the science of reading to improve learning and achievement from birth through adulthood.
FCRR contributes to the quality, accessibility, use and relevance of reading and reading-related research by leveraging our talent, resources, and partnerships to:
- conduct basic and applied interdisciplinary research on all aspects of reading and reading-related skills to benefit learners;
- apply rigorous and innovative approaches that are responsive to the pressing problems of practice, policy, and research;
- develop innovative multimedia resources to translate and disseminate results of high quality research relevant to a diverse group of stakeholders;
- create and sustain meaningful, mutually supportive, and lasting cross-sector partnerships with diverse organizations to solve high leverage problems locally, nationally, and internationally;
- engage in leadership and entrepreneurial activities to empower researchers, practitioners, and other stakeholders to discover solutions, transform practices, and make improvements continuously; and
- foster a diverse intellectual community of researchers and practitioners to advance the science of reading and develop the next generation of scholars and leaders.
Improving reading through science
Adherence with Other Governing Documents. At all times, institute/center policy shall adhere to and be consistent with all university policies found in the FSU Constitution, the Board of Trustees—University Faculty of Florida chapter of Florida State University (BOTUFF) Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Faculty Handbook, and the Annual Memorandum on the Promotion and Tenure Process issued by the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement.
Bylaws Revision. The Center may continue to add, modify, or delete any language in the by-laws that does not conflict with the collective bargaining agreement as necessary to ensure that the mission and core values of the Center are attained. Core Faculty, Research Support Faculty, and Research Faculty may propose an amendment to the bylaws. Proposals for revision should be submitted to the Director in writing and must clearly state how the proposed change(s) is feasible (i.e., the change can be implemented reasonably within the organizational, structural, and budgetary constraints of the Center), desirable (i.e., the change is supported by FCRR membership), and appropriate (i.e., ensure the mission, vision, and core values of the Center are maintained or advanced).
The Director will review the proposal to determine if the proposed change(s) is feasible, desirable, and appropriate. The Director may seek additional input from the proposer to meet these criteria. If the Director determines that the proposed change(s) is feasible, desirable, and appropriate, the proposal will be submitted to the Executive Committee for review at the next meeting of the committee. The Executive Committee may seek additional input from the proposer, as well as members other standing FCRR committees and the FCRR Core Faculty to review the proposed change(s). After gathering and reviewing feedback, the Executive Committee will make a recommendation to approve or not approve the proposed change(s) at the Executive Committee meeting. If the recommendation is to not approve the proposed change(s), the Director will meet with the proposer to discuss the recommendation and to determine if it should be revised for further review, withdrawn, or removed from consideration.
If the recommendation is to approve the proposed change(s), then the Director will present it at the next FCRR faculty meeting for discussion and feedback from the larger FCRR membership in attendance at the faculty meeting (note: the change will be stated in the agenda, which is distributed one week before the faculty meeting). After discussion, a vote will be called to approve the change(s) to the bylaws. Core Faculty, Research Support Faculty, and Research Faculty may vote on the change. The ballot may be delivered in person, virtually (e.g., Zoom), or electronically (e.g., Qualtrics survey or email). The results of the vote will be gathered, shared at the faculty meeting (or just after, if not feasible during the faculty meeting) and provided to the Director. Upon reviewing the recommendation from the Executive Committee and results of the vote at the faculty meeting, the Director will decide to accept or not accept the proposed change(s). If the Director approves the change, the bylaws will be modified immediately, and the change(s) will take effect immediately. If not approved, the Director will meet with the proposer to discuss the recommendation and to determine if it should be revised for further review, withdrawn, or removed from consideration.
Substantive Change Statement. Faculty and staff members are expected to be familiar with and follow the Florida State University Substantive Change Policy as found on the university web site
Faculty Membership. The faculty of the FCRR shall consist of the following faculty:
Core faculty: persons holding full-time, tenured or tenure-track joint appointments within Colleges, Schools, or academic units at FSU that have an approved Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with FCRR and for whom FCRR provides a portion of salary support at the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. Core faculty are nine-month tenured or tenure-track faculty at FSU. Along with the Director, the core faculty hold the primary responsibility for maintaining the mission and vision of FCRR. The core faculty’s roles and responsibilities within FCRR are also guided by the MOU between FCRR and their home College, School, or academic unit (see Appendix C-F).
Research support faculty: persons holding non-tenure earning full-time, part-time, or temporary appointments at the rank of Assistant in Research, Associate in, Research Associate, and Senior Research Associate. Typically, research support faculty are project managers, project directors, researchers, postdoctoral researchers, research assistants, content developers, trainers, and other staff on funded grants and contracts in FCRR. Research support faculty may be designated as specialized faculty at FSU.
Research faculty: persons holding non-tenure earning full-time, part-time, or temporary appointments at the rank of Research Faculty I, Research Faculty II, and Research Faculty III. Typically, research faculty are researchers and investigators on funded grants and contracts in FCRR. Research faculty may be designated as specialized faculty at FSU.
Affiliate faculty: persons holding full-time, part-time, or temporary appointments within Colleges, Schools, or academic units at FSU and at other academic universities or research institutions outside of FSU at a rank commensurate with tenure-track, tenured, or research faculty I, II, or III at their institution. Typically, affiliate faculty are nine-month tenured or tenure-track faculty at FSU or other academic research universities.
Courtesy and visiting faculty: persons holding full-time, part-time, or temporary appointments at academic universities or research institutions outside of FSU at a rank commensurate with tenure-track, tenured, or research faculty I, II, or III at their institution. Typically, courtesy and visiting faculty are nine-month tenured or tenure-track faculty at other academic research universities.
Center/Institute Membership. In addition to the faculty defined in II.A above, the following are members of FCRR: Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Administrative and Professional (A&P) personnel, and University Service Personnel System (USPS) personnel.
Faculty Voting Rights. All Core Faculty, Research Support Faculty, and Research Faculty may vote in any faculty votes related to approval and/or change(s) to the FCRR bylaws. Core Faculty may vote in faculty votes related to the selection of the Director (see Section III(b)), recruitment and appointment of new Core Faculty (see Section III(d)), as well as recruitment and appointment of new Affiliated, Courtesy, and Visiting Faculty (see Section III(b)). Research Support Faculty and Research Faculty may vote in faculty votes related to promotion of specialized faculty (see Section V). Core Faculty and Affiliate Faculty with faculty appointments at FSU also have voting rights in their home College, School, and/or academic unit and should adhere to voting polices, processes, and procedures within those units. Affiliate Faculty, Courtesy Faculty, and Visiting Faculty do not have voting rights within FCRR.
Non-faculty Voting Rights. Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Administrative and Professional (A&P) personnel, and University Service Personnel System (USPS) personnel do not have faculty voting rights within FCRR.
Faculty Meetings. The Director will host one faculty meeting during the fall and spring semester of every academic year. The date and time of the meeting will be provided at least one week in advance of the meeting. All Core Faculty, Research Support Faculty, Research Faculty, Affiliate Faculty, members of FCRR’s Administrative Team, and members of FCRR’s Advisory Council are invited to attend the faculty meeting. The agenda for the faculty meeting is expected to vary.
In addition to these biannual meetings, the FCRR Director may call a faculty meeting at any time. The Director may also call a faculty meeting if other Core Faculty, Research Support Faculty, or Research Faculty request a meeting for a specific purpose.
Director Selection. The Vice President for Research is responsible for appointing the Director of FCRR. When a vacancy of the Director’s position occurs or is anticipated, the Vice President for Research will consult with the current Director to determine if the vacancy will be filled by an internal or external candidate, resources to support recruitment of an appropriate candidate, and constituting a Search Committee to steer the recruitment process.
The Search Committee will be chaired by a Core Faculty member at the rank of Professor and will include at least four additional Core Faculty members. The search committee may also include other faculty, staff, and student members of the Center, as deemed appropriate by the chair of the search committee in consultation with the Director and the Vice President of Research. The Search Committee will work with the Office of the Vice President for Research and FCRR’s Human Resources manager to create a posting for the position and to manage the search process, including review of application materials and virtual and on-campus interviews. During the interview process, the candidate will have the opportunity to engage with FCRR faculty, staff, students, and appropriate administrative offices across FSU. The Search Committee will solicit feedback on the candidate from these interactions. Upon completion of the interview process, the Search Committee will review the feedback and provide a recommendation to the Core Faculty on a candidate. The Core Faculty will then vote on the selection of the candidate. The vote may be conducted in person, virtually, or through email. The Search Committee recommendation and the results of the Core Faculty vote will be provided to the Director, who will then provide this information as well as his/her own recommendation, to the Vice President for Research. The Vice President of Research will then enter into negotiations with the candidate and the candidate’s academic unit to reach an agreement on conditions for appointment as the Director of FCRR.
In the event of a vacancy prior to appointment of a Director, an Interim Director will be appointed by the Vice President of Research. The Interim Director must be a Core Faculty member at the rank of Professor.
Leadership and Committees.
The Center Director. The Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the Center. The Director must be a Core Faculty member of FCRR. S/he must hold a nine-month full-time, tenured joint appointment at the rank of Professor within one of the Colleges, Schools, or academic units at FSU that have an approved MOU with FCRR and for whom FCRR provides a portion of salary support. As a nine-month faculty person, the Director is expected to have an administrative stipend and reduced teaching load to support service to the unit. The position does not have term limits. The Director reports to the Vice President for Research at FSU. Selection of the Director is described in Section III(b). The Director provides administrative leadership and strategic direction for the mission and vision of FCRR. The Director is responsible for:
- carrying out Center policies, processes, and procedures within limits set by the Vice President for Research and the University;
- communicating regularly with the Vice President of Research to report on Center activities, challenges, and opportunities;
- supervising the daily operations of the Center, including management of administrative personnel and functions, distribution of Center-managed resources, and implementation of policies, processes, and procedures as required by FCRR, the Vice President of Research, and the University;
- developing, implementing, and evaluating the Center’s strategic plan;
- calling and presiding over FCRR faculty meetings and formulating the agenda for meetings;
- chairing the Executive Committee and Advisory Council and formulating the agenda for meetings;
- coordinating with the chairs of FCRR’s standing and ad hoc committees to respond to challenges and opportunities facing the Center;
- communicating to the Center’s members information regarding activities, challenges, and opportunities currently facing the Center;
- representing the Center’s interests in venues internal and external to FSU;
- responding to requests from the Vice President for Research, Deans, Department Chairs, Provost Office, and other units within FSU about FCRR, as appropriate;
- acting on recommendations from the Center’s faculty, staff, and students, standing committees, and Advisory Council in a collegial and democratic manner; and
- addressing other matters at the Director’s discretion to ensure harmonious operations of the Center.
Associate Directors. Core faculty at the rank of Professor may serve as Associate Directors within FCRR. The position does not have term limits. The Associate Directors advise the Director on the strategic direction of FCRR and provide leadership on all activities that safeguard the mission and vision of FCRR. Associate Directors are responsible for:
- participating in the development, implementation, and evaluation the Center’s strategic plan;
- serving on FCRR’s standing and ad hoc committees;
- representing the Center’s interests in their home Colleges, Schools, or academic units at FSU;
- representing the Center’s interests in venues internal and external to FSU;
- advising and supporting the Director in addressing challenges, opportunities, and other matters to ensure harmonious operations of the Center.
Administrative Team. FCRR is supported by a dedicated administrative team that supports the Center’s fiscal, administrative, human resources, and information technology functions, including pre-award and post-award management of grants and contracts. The administrative team is funded, in part, by grants and contracts submitted by Core FCRR faculty. The administrative team is supervised by the Director, with the reporting structure detailed in FCRR’s Organizational Chart (See Appendix A). In accordance with the approved MOU between FCRR and specific Colleges, Schools, or academic units at FSU, Core Faculty, Research Support Faculty, and Research Faculty have access to support services provided by FCRR’s administrative team. Other members of FCRR are expected to make use of comparable support services provided within their home Colleges, Schools, or academic units. If additional support is needed, members should contact the Director.
Divisions: Research, innovation, and engagement activities within FCRR are supported by three divisions:
Innovative Research Dissemination Lab: the primary purpose of the division is to create targeted research dissemination products that are broadly distributed to a variety of stakeholders including but not limited to students, researchers, educators, and policymakers. Services provided by the division include graphic and multimedia services to produce infographics, posters, brochures, and other print collateral, presentations, videos, audio files, social media posts, media releases, and events.
Quantitative Methodology and Innovation: the primary purpose of the division is in the application of rigorous research methods and advanced statistical analyses to research related to improving social, educational, behavioral, psychological, and emotional outcomes across the developmental spectrum from birth to adulthood. Services provided by the division include quantitative methodological services for research projects internal and external to FSU; advanced statistical and psychometric modeling services for the development of assessments and tools; training on statistical techniques and innovative applications; and data collection, management, and related support services.
The Village: the primary purpose of the division is to create, support, and sustain research practice partnerships with diverse education stakeholders to support reading achievement, school readiness, and school success among vulnerable children and youth. Services provided by the division include engagement, collaboration, training, and technical assistance to support the translation and implementation of research evidence to improve reading and reading-related outcomes for children and youth.
The divisions are managed by a director who provides administrative leadership, fiscal oversight, programmatic supervision, and strategic direction for the division. The director of the division is assigned by the Director of FCRR. The director must be a Core Faculty, Research Support Faculty, or Research Faculty member of FCRR.
Committees: In order to promote shared governance and active engagement in the Center and in order to provide opportunities for professional growth and advancement, FCRR members participate in standing and ad hoc committees. Both standing and ad hoc committees are formed by the Director to align with the Center’s mission, vision, and strategic plan and may be constituted or dissolved the Director.
All members are encouraged to be actively engaged in FCRR’s committees, as appropriate to their membership within the Center and the requirements of the committee. In alignment with FSU policy, service on committees within FCRR and FSU is allowable, even for faculty and staff whose assignment of responsibilities denote fully-funded effort on grants and contracts, so long as service requirements are minimal and do not interfere with member’s primary roles and responsibilities. FCRR committee membership is voluntary, intended to be minimal, and expected not to interfere with member’s primary roles and responsibilities. In addition, the committees’ activities are intended to be driven, in part, by the committee members themselves, so that members can determine collectively what is feasible, desirable, and appropriate for its members and for the greater FCRR membership. Members interested in serving on committees within FCRR are encouraged to discuss their intentions with their supervisors to ensure that their contributions are not in conflict with their primary roles and responsibilities and also contribute to their professional growth and development.
All standing committees consists of at least five members: (a) a committee chair, (b) one Core Faculty member, (c) one Research Support Faculty or Research Faculty member, (d) one Affiliate Faculty member, and (e) one Administrative Team member. Committee membership may exceed the minimum, as determined by the Committee Chair in consultation with the Director. Committee membership may include undergraduate or graduate students, as determined by the Committee Chair in consultation with the Director. Unless otherwise noted, the chair of a standing committee may be any Core Faculty, Research Support Faculty, Research Faculty member, or Administrative Team member in FCRR. However, priority will be given to individuals who have served at least one term as a member of the committee before serving as chair of the committee. The term for chairs of standing committees is two years. The term for other committee members is one year. Terms are renewable and begin at the start of the academic year (fall semester).
Prior to the end of a term (typically during the spring semester), the FCRR Human Resources manager will invite all eligible faculty, staff, and students to join standing committees as a member or chair electronically (e.g., email, Qualtrics form). Members may express interest in more than one committee. Responses will be gathered and provided to the Director. The Director will assign members to committees based upon their interests and to ensure a broad range of membership represented on each committee. Committee chairs and members will be seated no later than the start of the new term (i.e., start of the fall semester of the academic year).
Unless otherwise noted, standing committees are expected to meet at least three times during the fall and spring semesters of the academic year. Meetings during the summer semester are not expected but may be planned at the discretion of the committee chair, in consultation with the committee members and the Director.
Ad hoc committees are formed to address a specific matter that may arise. Committee membership and purpose will be determined by the Director. It is expected that Ad Hoc committees will be limited in scope and term and will be dissolved once the matter is resolved.
- Executive Committee: The Executive Committee is a standing committee in FCRR. The Director serves as the chair of the committee. FCRR’s Assistant Director of Budget and Financial Services also serves on the committee. The purpose of the committee is to review, develop, and/or implement activities, policies, processes, and procedures that maximize the organizational effectiveness, governance structure, and strategic direction of FCRR, including:
- ensuring FCRR's activities are aligned with the mission and vision;
- monitoring FCRR's progress towards goals and objectives stated in the strategic plan;
- reviewing FCRR's internal control processes to ensure integrity of its fiscal, administrative, human resources, and IT functions;
- reviewing and revise FCRR's bylaws, governance, and organizational structure to ensure integrity of the Center’s research and programmatic activities;
- reviewing FCCR's budget and finances; and
- troubleshooting and advising on unit-wide challenges and opportunities.
- Innovation Committee: The Innovation Committee is a standing committee in FCRR. The purpose of the committee is to develop and implement programs and activities to foster, support, and expand innovation within FCRR locally, nationally, and globally, including:
- increasing FCRR member’s capacity to participate in intraprenuership activities;
- increasing FCRR member’s capacity to participate in entrepreneurship activities;
- enacting strategies and activities to increase participation of individuals from groups traditionally underrepresented in academia in FCRR's innovation activities; and
- enacting strategies and activities to increase FCRR's participation in innovation activities that are inclusive of and responsive to the needs of targeted populations and communities.
- Communication and Dissemination Committee: The Communication and Dissemination Committee is a standing committee in FCRR. The purpose of the committee is to develop programs and activities that foster, support, and expand communication and dissemination within FCRR and FSU and locally, nationally, and globally, including:
- developing communication plans, dissemination tools, and activities for partners and organizations internal and external to FCRR and FSU;
- providing workshops and trainings to increase FCRR member’s capacity to communicate scientific evidence effectively to diverse stakeholders;
- increasing awareness and use of FCRR’s Innovative Research Dissemination Lab within FCRR and FSU;
- enacting strategies to increase participation of individuals from groups traditionally underrepresented in academia in FCRR's communication and dissemination activities; and
- enacting strategies and activities to ensure our students and postdoctoral fellows reflect the the broad, interdisciplinary diversity of reading and reading-related research.
- Outreach and Engagement Committee: The Outreach and Engagement Committee is a standing committee in FCRR. The purpose of the committee is to develop programs and activities that foster, support, and expand outreach and public engagement within FCRR and FSU and locally, nationally, and globally, including:
- creating and sustaining partnerships with diverse entities internal and external to FSU;
- creating and promoting opportunities for public engagement for FCRR members;
- producing original research related to partnership activities;
- increasing awareness and use of The Village within FCRR and FSU; and
- enacting strategies and activities to increase FCRR's participation in outreach and engagement activities that are inclusive of and responsive to the needs of targeted populations and communities.
- Student Development and Advancement Committee: The Student Development and Advancement Committee is a standing committee in FCRR. The purpose of the committee is to develop and implement activities to support the training and advancement of undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows at FCRR, including:
- organizing and offering training opportunities;
- connecting students across FCRR;
- communicating broadly about student activities and accolades;
- engaging with current FCRR students & FCRR alumni; and
- enacting strategies and activities to ensure our students and postdoctoral fellows reflect the the broad, interdisciplinary diversity of reading and reading-related research.
- Project Managers Committee: The Project Managers Committee is a standing committee in FCRR. The committee is co-chaired by (a) one or two Research Support Faculty or Research Faculty and (b) FCRR’s Assistant Director of Budget and Financial Services. Members of the committee include Research Support Faculty and Research Faculty whose roles and responsibilities include management of projects within FCRR. The purpose of the committee is to facilitate coordination of research, programmatic, and administrative activities across projects within FCRR, including:
- developing and implementing shared protocols and tools to support collaboration;
- sharing strategies and resources to support research and programmatic activities;
- organizing and offering cross-training opportunities;
- communicating and collaborating with FCRR’s Administrative Team to ensure awareness, integrity, and seamless implementation of processes, procedures, and policies within FCRR and FSU;
- Dissemination of FCRR and FSU announcements, and
- troubleshooting common and unusual challenges that may arise on projects.
- Advisory Council: The Advisory Council is a standing committee in FCRR. The Director serves as the chair of the Council. FCRR’s Assistant Director of Budget and Financial Services also serves on the Council. The Director may call a meeting of the Council annually. However, it is expected that the Director may engage with members of the Council more frequently and periodically based upon members’ availability and on matters at hand. Members of the Council include representatives of academic and administrative units across FSU that FCRR has formal agreements and engagement with, including the Vice President for Research, the Deans of the Colleges of Education, Arts and Sciences, Communication and Information, and Social Work, the Director of the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, and the Office of the Provost. FCRR Associate Directors and former Directors may also be asked to engage with the Council. The purpose of the Council is to advise the Director on the direction of FCRR, including:
- reporting on FCRR's activities and progress in achieving its goals, in accordance with the strategic plan and existing MOUs and agreements;
- offering guidance and support towards achieving stated goals; and
- championing FCRR with stakeholders internal and external to FSU.
- Executive Committee: The Executive Committee is a standing committee in FCRR. The Director serves as the chair of the committee. FCRR’s Assistant Director of Budget and Financial Services also serves on the committee. The purpose of the committee is to review, develop, and/or implement activities, policies, processes, and procedures that maximize the organizational effectiveness, governance structure, and strategic direction of FCRR, including:
Faculty Recruitment. FCRR’s hiring policies and practices align with Florida State University’s Office of Human Resources. For more information, please visit: Faculty recruitment and selection in FCRR is governed their role within the Center. Specifically:
Core faculty: core faculty are recruited and selected using processes within the department in which they will have or seek a tenure home. In consultation with the current core faculty, the Vice President of Research and the relevant Dean, Director, and/or Department Head, the Director will determine the need, available resources, and timeline to recruit a new core faculty member. If agreement is reached, a Search Committee will be formed to steer the recruitment process. The Search Committee will be chaired by a Core Faculty member at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor and will include at least two additional Core Faculty members. The search committee may also include other faculty, staff, and student members of the Center, as deemed appropriate by the chair of the search committee in consultation with the Director. The Search Committee will work with FCRR’s Human Resources manager and the comparable staff in the academic unit to create a posting for the position and to manage the search process, including review of application materials and virtual and on-campus interviews. During the interview process, the candidate will have the opportunity to engage with FCRR faculty, staff, students and appropriate administrative offices across the academic unit and FSU. The Search Committee will solicit feedback on the candidate from these interactions. Upon completion of the interview process, the Search Committee will review the feedback and provide a recommendation to the Core Faculty on a candidate. The Core Faculty will then vote on the selection of the candidate. The vote may be conducted in person, virtually, or through email. The Search Committee recommendation and the results of the Core Faculty vote will be provided to the Director, who will then provide this information as well as his/her own recommendation, to the Vice President for Research and the Dean, Director, and/or Department Head of the relevant academic unit. If appropriate, the academic unit will also hold a faculty vote on selection of the candidate in accordance with the unit’s bylaws. If the selection is moved forward, then the Director will enter into negotiations with the candidate, the candidate’s academic unit, and the Vice President of Research to reach an agreement on conditions for appointment as a core faculty member of FCRR. In the event that a search is unsuccessful, the Director will consult with the Vice President of Research and the Dean, Director, and/or Department Head of the relevant academic unit to determine if the search should be continued.
Research support faculty: as staff on funded grants and contracts, research support faculty are recruited and selected by the principal investigator(s) on the project. Research support faculty may be designated as specialized faculty at FSU. The initial designation or track for specialized faculty will be described in the employee’s offer letter and will be based on the judgment of the hiring Principal Investigator(s). Faculty may be reclassified laterally from Research Support to Research Faculty or vice versa. Reclassification requires that all minimum education requirements are met. Per the job code classifications on HR’s website, all Research Support Faculty must have a Master’s Degree and all Research Faculty must have an Academic Doctorate. Reclassification also requires approval from the Principal Investigator(s) for the project(s) on which the faculty member is funded, the Center director, and the Vice President for Research.
Research faculty: as staff on funded grants and contracts, research faculty are recruited and selected by the principal investigator(s) on the project. Research faculty may be designated as specialized faculty at FSU. The initial designation or track for specialized faculty will be described in the employee’s offer letter and will be based on the judgment of the hiring Principal Investigator(s). Faculty may be reclassified laterally from Research Faculty to Research Support Faculty or vice versa. Reclassification requires that all minimum education requirements are met. Per the job code classifications on HR’s website, all Research Support Faculty must have a Master’s Degree and all Research Faculty must have an Academic Doctorate. Reclassification also requires approval from the Principal Investigator(s) for the project(s) on which the faculty member is funded, the Center director, and the Vice President for Research.
Affiliate faculty: core faculty may nominate eligible candidates for affiliate faculty status. Nominations are submitted to the Director, who will meet with the candidate to discuss interest and fit with the Center. The Director may seek additional input from the nominator, as well as the Executive Committee and FCRR Core Faculty. After gathering and reviewing feedback, the Director will decide to approve or not approve the affiliation. If approved, the affiliation will take effect immediately and be announced at the next faculty meeting. If not approved, the Director will notify the nominator and candidate of the decision.
Courtesy and visiting faculty: core faculty may nominate eligible candidates for courtesy and visiting faculty status. Nominations are submitted to the Director, who will meet with the candidate to discuss interest and fit with the Center. The Director may seek additional input from the nominator, as well as the Executive Committee and FCRR Core Faculty. After gathering and reviewing feedback, the Director will decide to approve or not approve the courtesy or visiting appointment. If approved, the appointment will take effect immediately and be announced at the next faculty meeting. If not approved, the Director will notify the nominator and candidate of the decision.
Unit Reorganization. The Director, in consultation with the Core Faculty and the Vice President of Research and in compliance with FSU policies, may reorganize the Center to maximize the organizational effectiveness, governance structure, and strategic direction of FCRR. The Director will discuss substantive changes to the organizational structure of the unit with the Executive Committee. The Director may seek additional input from the Core Faculty and members other standing FCRR committees. If the Director determines that the reorganization is feasible, desirable, and appropriate, the Director take necessary steps to reorganize the unit.
- Peer Involvement in Annual Performance and Merit Evaluation. Each faculty member’s performance will be evaluated relative to his or her assigned duties. Each faculty member’s performance will be rated annually using the following university rating scale:
- Substantially Exceeds FSU’s High Expectations
- Exceeds FSU’s High Expectations
- Meets FSU’s High Expectations
- Official Concern
- Does Not Meet FSU’s High Expectations
Specifically, with regard to peer involvement in annual performance and merit evaluation, for FCRR faculty members:
- Core faculty: as tenured and tenure-track faculty at FSU, the official annual evaluation rating and merit evaluation processes occur in the tenure home department/college.
- Research support faculty: as specialized faculty at FSU, the official annual evaluation rating and merit evaluation processes occur in FCRR.
- Research faculty: as specialized faculty at FSU, the official annual evaluation rating and merit evaluation processes occur in FCRR.
- Affiliate faculty: affiliate faculty do not participate in annual performance and evaluation at FCRR.
- Courtesy and visiting faculty: courtesy and visiting faculty do not participate in annual performance and evaluation at FCRR.
- Criteria for Evaluation of Specialized Faculty. Criteria for annual performance and merit evaluation of Research Support Faculty and Research Faculty who are specialized faculty in FCRR is based on assigned duties and expectations at each track and rank. Job duties and responsibilities vary widely across specialized faculty within FCRR. Section VI(c) lists relevant criteria associated with the roles and responsibilities of typical specialized faculty in FCRR. Note that the list is not exhaustive and that each faculty member’s performance will be evaluated relative to his or her assigned duties using the university’s rating scale.
Progress Toward Promotion Letter. Each year, every faculty member who is not yet at the highest rank for their position will receive a letter that outlines progress toward promotion and/or tenure. Research Support Faculty and Research Faculty who are specialized faculty within FCRR will receive the letter from their primary supervisor. For Core Faculty at the rank of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor, the Director will provide a letter to be included in the faculty member’s tenure and/or promotion binder. Affiliate Faculty at the rank of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor may request that the Director provide a letter to be included in the faculty member’s tenure and/or promotion binder.
Peer Involvement in Evaluation of Promotion of Specialized Faculty. When a specialized faculty member submits materials for review for promotion, the FCRR Human Resources Manager will constitute a Promotion Committee for Specialized Faculty. The committee shall include five members: (1) the Director or an Associate Director of the Center, as determined by the Director, (2) at least two senior specialized faculty at the rank of Senior Research Associate or Research Faculty III, and (3) at least two specialized faculty at the rank of Associate in Research or Research Faculty II. The FCRR Human Resources Manager will solicit interest in serving on the committee from all eligible committee members. In the event that there are not enough eligible faculty in a given rank, a specialized faculty member from the next lower rank will be substituted on the committee. In the event that there are more than two specialized faculty members in a given rank who wish to serve on the committee, the FCRR Human Resources Manager will host an election. Ballots will be submitted, in person or electronically (e.g., email, Qualtrics), to specialized faculty members to cast their vote. The two people in each classification with the most votes will win the election. The committee shall be formed no later than August 1 of the review cycle.
The FCRR Human Resources Manager will submit complete promotion binder(s) to members of the Promotion Committee for review electronically (e.g., email; secure SharePoint or OneDrive) no later than August 15 of the review cycle (or the next working day if August 15 is a weekend or holiday). Committee members may also contact the FCRR Human Resources Manager to receive the binder(s) in hard copy. Only complete binder(s) will be submitted to the committee for review. The committee will meet to review the candidate and write a letter to submit with the promotion binder. The letter will reference materials submitted by the candidate that can be used as evidence of progress in meeting criteria for promotion. The letter will indicate explicitly the 15 committee’s recommendation regarding the candidate’s promotion. The committee’s letter will be submitted to the FCRR Human Resources Manager to be include in the promotion binder no later than September 10 of the review cycle (or the next working day if September 10 is a weekend or holiday).
Then, the FCRR Human Resources Manager will submit a complete promotion binder, with the letter from the Promotion Committee, to the Director no later than September 15 of the review cycle (or the next working day if September 15 is a weekend or holiday). The Director will review the binder and provide a separate letter. The letter will indicate explicitly his/her recommendation regarding the candidate’s promotion. The letter will be submitted to the FCRR Human Resources Manager to be include in the promotion binder no later than October 1 (or the next working day if October 1 is a weekend or holiday). If desired, the candidate may submit a response to the Director’s letter within five working days after the Director’s letter is submitted. This faculty response letter is optional. If submitted, the FCRR Human Resources Manager will attach it to the candidate’s promotion binder. The FCRR Human Resources manager will submit the required summary of actions and complete promotion binders to the Office of the Vice President of Faculty Development and Advancement during the month of October.
In compliance with FSU regulations, the FSU Human Resources Manager will submit binder(s) for candidates the Director has recommended promotion for further review by the Provost and the President via the Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement and the Vice President for Research. The Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement and the Vice President for Research will review the candidate’s binder, confirm that the candidate meets the eligibility requirements, and forward the recommendations (for approval or denial) to the Provost and the President for final action. The President's decision is communicated by letter to the appropriate administrators and to the faculty member by this office, typically during the following spring semester. All specialized faculty promotions are effective at the same time as tenure-track faculty promotions at the beginning of the next academic year.
Criteria for Promotion of Specialized Faculty. For Research Support Faculty and Research Faculty who are specialized faculty in FCRR and whose primary appointment is in FCRR, the Center will adhere to the faculty promotion policies provided by the university. FCRR’s guidelines for promotion should be interpreted in light of all applicable FSU rules and requirements. Any contradictions between FCRR guidelines and university policy shall be resolved in favor of the university’s policies. These can be found at:
- The Office of Faculty Development and Advancement:
- The Faculty Handbook:
- The Collective Bargaining Agreement: relations/collective-bargaining
Promotion for Research Support Faculty and Research Faculty who are specialized faculty in FCRR is attained through meritorious performance based on assigned duties and expectations at each track and rank. Each track has applicable expectations at each rank. Specialized faculty interested in promotion should talk to their supervisor(s) and Principal Investigator(s) to determine if it can be supported. Specialized faculty are also encouraged to review information and participate in sessions provided annually by the FSU Office of Faculty Development and 16 Advancement (see Typically, the university posts announcements related to the timeline for the review of promotion in March and complete promotion binders (with recommendation letters from the Promotion Committee and the Director) are due in October. It is the faculty member’s responsibility to ensure timely submission of all materials for review and consideration of promotion, which may include letters of recommendation internal and external to FCRR and FSU, letters of support from the supervisor, vita, research statement, annual evaluation letters, annual letters of progress towards promotion, and other evidence of research and research support activities. Failure to submit a complete promotion binder on time may result in the candidate’s promotion request being removed from consideration during that academic year. See Appendix B for a timeline for promotion process for specialized faculty.
Upon receiving endorsement from their supervisor(s) and Principal Investigator(s), specialized faculty must declare their intent to seek promotion to the FCRR Human Resources Manager, who can provide additional information about the process, requirements, timeline for eligibility, and timeline for submission and review of materials. It is expected that the specialized faculty member will declare his/her intent to seek promotion no later than June 1 of the review cycle to ensure timely compilation and review of all materials.
FCRR will adhere to the university’s policies for promotions of specialized faculty. Additional key considerations for specialized faculty considering promotion at FCRR include the following:
- promotion to the next highest rank is typically in the 5th year for promotion in the 6th year. Specialized faculty may be promoted early with appropriate justification;
- promotion is not automatic or based on the faculty member’s length of service;
- the promotion process is initiated by the specialized faculty member’s supervisor(s) and/or Principal Investigator(s). Specialized faculty are encouraged to discuss promotion expectations and requests with their supervisor(s) and Principal Investigator(s);
- promotion criteria differ between Research Support Faculty and Research Faculty, as outlined in the promotion criteria section below; and
- there are no additional educational degree requirements for promotion to Associate in Research but promotion to the highest rank for research support faculty requires a Master’s degree or higher. Promotion to Research Faculty II requires a Ph.D. or terminal degree.
Job duties and responsibilities vary widely across specialized faculty within FCRR. Specialized faculty may serve as project coordinators and managers, perform quantitative or qualitative analyses, collect, enter, and manage data, provide administrative support, or serve as content experts. Promotion for research support faculty is attained through meritorious performance of assigned duties. Meritorious performance does not require increased job duties or responsibilities and may be based entirely on how well the faculty member performs their assigned tasks. Increased responsibilities and job duties, may however, be considered as evidence supporting a faculty member’s promotion. Nonetheless, as specialized faculty move up in rank, it is expected that they will demonstrate higher levels of performance in their assigned duties and require 17 decreased levels of supervision. This section lists relevant criteria associated with these roles, but the list should not be considered exhaustive. Specifically, for each track and rank:
- Research Support Faculty: The following criteria will be considered when recommending a research support faculty member for promotion. The exact mix of criteria will vary by faculty member based on their specific job duties. FCRR uses the university’s research support faculty designations to provide recognition and a promotion path for specialized faculty who serve primarily in positions that support the production and use of research. Research support faculty are generally expected to be directly involved in processes related to the production and use of research. Thus, the following criteria may be considered when reviewing the promotion request for a research support faculty member to Associate in Research or Senior Research Associate. The criteria for evaluation, listed below, in no particular order, will be applied as appropriate based on the duties, responsibilities, and expectations of the position. These elements include but are not limited to:
- effectiveness in the performance of assigned duties;
- timely completion of contractual and grant obligations;
- participation in submission of contract & grant proposals for external funding;
- coordination of research projects; - recruiting schools, teachers, and students for research projects;
- coordinating with external stakeholders such as SEA and LEA staff;
- training testers, interventionists, and similar staff;
- managing, collecting, and analyzing data;
- development of research materials (e.g. guides, technical documents, annual reports, etc.);
- development of graphics, videos, podcasts, and similar communication products;
- dissemination and external communications;
- organization of workshops, seminars, professional conferences, and meetings; and
- service to FCRR, the university, and/or the profession.
- Research Faculty: The following criteria will be considered when recommending a research faculty member for promotion. The exact mix of criteria will vary by faculty member based on their specific job duties. FCRR uses the university’s research faculty designations to provide recognition and a promotion path for specialized faculty who serve primarily as research scientists. There are specific and high expectations for research faculty at FCRR. Research faculty are generally expected to be directly involved in research publication and grant funding with the possibility of developing independent research projects. Thus, the following criteria may be considered when reviewing the promotion request for a research faculty member to Research Faculty II or Research Faculty III. The criteria for evaluation, listed below, in no particular order, will be applied as 18 appropriate based on the duties, responsibilities, and expectations of the position. These elements include but are not limited to:
- Research Faculty II:
- holding a Ph.D. or other terminal degree;
- serving as Principal Investigator (PI), Co-PI, Co-Investigator, or key personnel on one or more grants or contracts;
- multiple first-authored publications in peer-reviewed publications;
- service as an ad hoc reviewer for peer-reviewed journals or comparable duties; and
- service to FCRR, the university, and/or the profession.
- Research Faculty III:
- record of success in receiving funding from grants or contracts as Principal Investigator (PI), Co-PI, Co-I, or key personnel;
- strong record of first-authored publications in peer-reviewed journals;
- service on review panels for grants or contracts or service on a Technical Working Group (TWG) for a grant or contract;
- service on at least one journal editorial board or comparable duties;
- service on Master’s thesis or Doctoral dissertation committees; and
- service to FCRR, the university, and/or the profession.
- Research Faculty II:
- Additional Considerations: The promotion committee may consider external factors that provide evidence of the qualifications and skills of the faculty member. Such factors include but are not limited to:
- positions of responsibility in professional organizations;
- professional honors, awards, and other recognitions;
- significant contributions to publicly available materials (i.e., research reviews, instructional tools, etc.);
- service on university, local, state, or national or international committees or organizations;
- service to public and/or private schools;
- presentations at meetings, workshops, or conferences of professional societies;
- publication of books, brochures, chapters in books, articles in refereed and un-refereed journals and/or professional publications;
- featured and/or cited in professional magazines, newsletters, or on professional websites; and
- invited talks at meetings, workshops, and conferences within the University and professional community.
FCRR does not tolerate discriminatory or harassing behavior of any kind. It is our expectation that all faculty, staff, and student members will continue to foster an environment of respect and trust. This means that they will refrain from, and actively put a stop to, discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. FCRR is committed to ensuring all of its members feel safe and valued. We encourage all employees and students to speak to FCRR’s Human Resources Manager if they feel they are being treated unfairly or are the victim of harassment or discrimination. Employees and students may also refer to the university’s Human Resources pages for more information on reporting and compliance processes related to harassment and discrimination:
FCRR’s Equal Opportunity and Compliance (EOC) policy aligns with Florida State University’s Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Statement. For more information, please visit:
FCRR embraces diversity and inclusion. We grow, learn, discover, innovate, and engage better because of the diversity amongst our faculty, staff, and students. It is our differences—in who we are, what we do, how we think, where we’ve been, and what we’ve experienced—that facilitates the pursuit of our vision to improve reading through science for all learners. We chose to pursue that vision in a manner that is inclusive for our members and for our stakeholders, including children, families, educators, leaders, policymakers, community members, and researchers.
FCRR strives to demonstrate its commitment to valuing, celebrating, and utilizing diversity and inclusion in three ways. First, we cultivate a diverse interdisciplinary intellectual community, where we leverage our members’ varied professional and personal expertise, experiences, talents, and skills in ways that we would otherwise not be able to in order to advance reading research, innovation, and engagement. Second, we act on specific goals and objectives stated in our strategic plan related to improving diversity and inclusion within FCRR’s policies, procedures, and activities and initiatives. Third, we adhere to FSU’s EOC policies and procedures and participate in activities and initiatives across the university.
FCRR recognizes that cultivating and preserving an inclusive culture where all people can thrive personally and professionally is an active process. We will continue to work to foster an environment that champions our differences, elevates and creates a sense of belonging for our members and for our stakeholders.
FCRR’s Diversity and Inclusion statement aligns with Florida State University’s Strategic Plan.
FCRR values flexibility and recognizes that under limited circumstances working from an alternate location from an employee’s official worksite can improve productivity and job performance. Employees at FCRR may participate in teleworking and remote work. Employees at FCRR may also complete some aspects of their job responsibilities in alternative work locations away from their official worksite. The following guidelines have been established for flexible worksite arrangements at FCRR (see below for key definitions and considerations).
Flexible worksite arrangements may be implemented on a temporary or fixed basis in a manner that serve the employee’s, Center’s, and University's needs. Any FCRR staff member interested in a flexible worksite arrangement is encouraged to speak with their supervisor. Worksite agreements will be determined based on the individual’s work responsibilities, skills and competencies, and supervisor approval. Other factors that will be taken into consideration include security, supervision of other staff, and materials needed to accomplish assigned tasks and duties. Both supervisor approval and Director approval is required for remote and telework arrangements. In some cases, approval may also be required from the next highest-level authority.
Note that a remote work environment is not a replacement for childcare or sick leave. If an employee has a health concern that would require teleworking or working remotely, the employee is required to contact the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Administrator to determine eligibility for FMLA coverage. FMLA medical certification will be used to determine eligibility for telecommuting. View the University’s policies on telework, please visit
FCRR’s guidance on Flexible Worksite Arrangements aligns with but is distinct from Florida State University’s pilot Alternate Work Location Arrangement program. For more information on the pilot program, please visit program.
- Definitions.
- Official Worksite: The primary location(s) of the employee’s assigned department(s) on the FSU campus, including satellite locations.
- Alternate Work Location: An approved location, other than the employee’s official worksite, where the employee’s duties are performed.
- Telework: A temporary, work arrangement under which an employee, on an intermittent or full-time basis, performs their work duties at an alternate work location other than the official worksite through telecommunications. The request for a telework arrangement is voluntary, initiated by the employee, and must go through an approval process.
- Remote Position: A position that has been approved to function 100% off campus, in an alternate work location on a fixed basis. This designation is notated on the position description, job advertisement, and/or personnel action form. The need for a remote position is based on the position/job functions, and the request for a fixed remote position is initiated by management.
- Other Considerations.
- Compensation: employees will be compensated for work performed and paid leave taken in a manner consistent with all University employees. Under no circumstances does telework or a Remote Position substitute for the use of leave (paid or unpaid).
- Employment: remote work and telework do not change the terms or conditions of employment. Employees are expected to observe all University rules, policies, and procedures, especially those related to leave requests, overtime approval, and maintaining accurate time records. Absent exceptional circumstances identified by the Office of Human Resources, all employees under remote work or telework must perform the same job duties that they would at the official worksite.
- Fair Labor Standards Act: it is the employee’s and supervisor’s responsibility to ensure compliance with all Fair Labor Standards Act requirements, any additional requirements designated by the state/city/county of the alternate work location, and Visa implications for an alternate work location outside of the current MSA or the United States.
- Travel Related Remote Work and Telework:
- An employee approved for telework is not eligible for travel reimbursement for their regular commute to or from the designated official worksite.
- An employee working in a Remote Work position may be eligible for reimbursement for travel from the alternate work location to the Official Campus Location. (Note: all University travel policies and procedures are applicable.)
- Employees working remotely as part of official University travel are not required to request a telework agreement. However, if the travel is extended beyond the official period and there is a need to work remotely during the extended time, a telework agreement may be required.
- Florida State University assumes no liability for injuries occurring in the employee’s home (or other alternate work location) outside of approved work hours. Workers’ Compensation coverage is limited to injuries arising out of and in the course of an employee’s FSU employment in designated work areas during work hours. In the event of a work-related injury, remote work and telework employees are responsible for notifying their supervisor, the University’s Worker’s Compensation Administrator (AmeriSys), and working with the supervisor to complete an Accident Investigation Report per the Florida State University Workers’ Compensation guidelines.
- The University will not authorize payment for operating costs, home maintenance expenses, or other costs incurred by employees using their homes as alternate work locations. This includes, but is not limited to, providing office furniture, computer equipment (such as desktops, laptops, multiple monitors, and docking stations), and/or telephone/internet access. Employees should assume responsibility for all costs before entering into a remote work or telework agreement.
- Consistent with Florida State University’s expectations regarding information access security (4-OP-H-5 Information Security Policy) and information privacy (4-OP-H-12 Information Privacy Policy), remote work and telework employees are responsible for ensuring the protection of University equipment and information accessible from their homes or other alternate work locations. University data classified as protected or confidential should not be stored on an employee’s personal computer or any other personal device.
- Medically Related Telework: An employee on approved leave is not eligible for telework until after being released from the hospital (or other treatment centers) and receiving medical clearance from their physician.
- Family Medical Leave (FMLA): FMLA applies to employees with a telework agreement in a manner consistent with all University employees. Specifically, for an FMLA related continuous absence of five or more calendar days, a Return to Work/Fitness for Duty Statement is necessary before any work can be performed at the alternate work location.
- Pregnancy Accommodation/Parental Leave: Telework may be applicable for an expectant parent or beneficial for new parents during the first six months after birth/adoption. Telework requests are processed in conjunction with FMLA/Parental Leave requests. Employee Eligibility/Criteria and Employee/Supervisor responsibilities outlined in the previous section will be followed.
- Disability-related Reasonable Accommodation: In the event that a telework request is related to an ongoing disability-related need, the University’s ADA Reasonable Accommodation process will take precedent and should be followed before requesting a telework arrangement.
- Failure to adhere to the guidance provided here, as well as FSU policies, processes, and procedures, may result in the termination of the remote work or telework arrangement and/or disciplinary action.
- Additional Resources.