Florida Literacy Coach Endorsement Professional Learning Series


The Florida Center for Reading Research, in collaboration with the Florida Department of Education, has developed coursework to meet the domains and standards of the Florida Literacy Coach Endorsement. The coursework provides an opportunity for coaches to improve their coaching knowledge and skills by engaging in reading, analyzing videos, participating in activities related to the standards with others in the course, and developing culminating projects for each module to demonstrate their growing knowledge and abilities. The Florida Literacy Coach Endorsement Professional Learning Series is comprehensive and intended to be completed in its entirety to successfully earn the Florida Literacy Coach Endorsement. The content is designed to be delivered face-to-face by a trained facilitator. Contact the Just Read, Florida! Office at justread@fldoe.org or The Florida Center for Reading Research at fcrr@fcrr.org to find out more information about how to participate in the program.



Access to the materials and resources for the Florida Literacy Coach Endorsement Professional Learning Series is available on FCRR's The Academy website, with permission from the Florida Department of Education or the Florida Center for Reading Research. If permission is granted, users may only access and use the materials as long as modifications are not made, the materials will only be used for non-profit educational purposes, and the copyright belong jointly to the Florida Department of Education and the Florida Center for Reading Research. These materials may not be used for any commercial purposes. These materials on our site may be linked to but not reposted, reproduced, modified, or copied to other sites. For questions about the use of these materials, please contact The Florida Center for Reading Research at fcrr@fcrr.org