Engaging Parents and Families to Support Literacy at Home

Title of Summit: Title I Engage. Enrich. Empower.: Increasing Schoolwide Success Summit
Presentation Breakout Session: At-Home Literacy
Location: Room 205
Time: 10:40–11:30 a.m. and 12:55–1:45 p.m.

Ready. Set. Engage! Join the Florida Center for Reading Research team as they discuss the importance of parent and family engagement to support the literacy development and Reading achievement of at-risk youth and vulnerable students. Participants of this session will have the opportunity to discuss their current family engagement practices, learn about Student Centered Activities and Parent Resources, and develop next steps to engage parents and families within their school and communities.


Engaging Families to Support Literacy at Home: Elementary Presentation

Engaging Families to Support Literacy at Home: Secondary Presentation

The 6 Shifts Needed for Better Family Engagement

Parent-Teacher Conferences: Strategies for Principals, Teachers, and Parents

Partnering with Families of Middle School and High School Students