Module 3: Explicit Support for Expressive Language

Early Childhood Educator Preparation to Support High-Quality Language Instruction

Explicit Support for Expressive Language


The focus during Module 3 is to provide children with explicit support for their expressive language as they play and learn at classroom centers. During this module, the teacher will lead brief targeted language interactions that provide specific opportunities for children to use prepositions, adverbs, conjunctions, and elaborated noun phrases in authentic moments.

Center activities included in this module have been developed for centers such as: art, blocks, dramatic play, science/discovery, and writing. Each center activity creates a natural opportunity for play, while providing the teacher opportunities to explicitly focus on a specific oral language target.

The teacher’s authentic play-based interaction with children may include modeling an oral language target, such as prepositions, to determine if the child receptively understands the target. The teacher will also give children the opportunity to express their understanding. All of this will be achieved in brief interactions while the teacher and children play together in centers.

By conducting these quick, explicit teaching moments, the teacher will model rich language and vocabulary and then encourage the children to use the rich language independently in the future.

Module 3.1: Elaborated Noun Phrases

  • An elaborated noun phrase includes a noun (a person, place, or thing) and a word that describes it (articles and adjectives). The describing word can come before or after the noun. Common adjectives include: brave, bright, grumpy, large, tall, cold.
  • Original Sentence: The boy ran.
  • Sentence with Elaborated Noun Phrase: The energetic little boy ran.

Module 3.2: Adverbs

  • An adverb describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Adverbs typically answer the questions when, where or how. Many adverbs end in "ly." Common adverbs include: quickly, safely, nicely, honestly.
  • Original Sentence: The boy ran.
  • Sentence with Adverb: The boy quickly ran.

Module 3.3: Prepositions

  • A preposition is a word that connects nouns or pronouns to other words, like verbs or adjectives, within a sentence. A prepositional phrase is made up of the preposition and its object, along with any words that describe the object. Common prepositions include: between, above, below, behind, toward, under.
  • Original Sentence: The boy ran.
  • Sentence with Preposition: The boy ran behind the oak tree.

Module 3.4: Conjunctions

  • Conjunctions are words used to join words, phrases, and sentences. There are several types of conjunctions, but the most common are coordinating conjunctions. Common conjunctions include: and, or, but.
  • Original Sentence: The boy ran.
  • Sentence with Conjunction: The boy ran and the dog chased him.