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The 4 R's of the Reading Repository

The Reading Program Repository was established to support Florida Local Education Agencies (LEAs) with being good consumers of research when selecting reading programs that best meet the needs of their students. The collection of reading programs listed in this repository is based on LEA program selections through the High-Quality Reading Curriculum Grant and is expanded annually to include programs submitted in District Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plans. Each of the programs included in the repository have been reviewed by either the What Works Clearinghouse or Evidence for ESSA. You can use the filter below to pull information on specific programs. Click on a program sub-header for quick-glance information, or on the "READ MORE" link for a full program description.

FCRR has not evaluated any programs on this site. FCRR does not and will not endorse or approve the use of any program on this site. Inquiries about programs in the repository should be directed to Just Read, Florida! at the Florida Department of Education.