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Assessment Overview

Commonly Used Assessments
Assessment is a process used to gather information about students. Assessment may be a screening, progress monitoring, diagnostic, or outcome measure. The results of assessment should be used to plan classroom instruction. In this section you will find brief descriptions of commonly used assessments in Florida schools.

Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network (PMRN)
The Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network (PMRN) is a free web-based data management system available to schools only in the State of Florida. Student data is a critical component in determining the type and amount of instruction a student should receive. Many Florida schools use the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) as a screening and progress monitoring tool. In Florida, these scores can be entered into the PMRN. The PMRN provides reports that assist teachers in determining the instructional needs of their students based on the DIBELS data. Reading First schools can also access reports in the PMRN that include scores from the required Outcome Measure assessments (PPVT-III, SAT-10, and FCAT). In this section you will find information on how to interpret and use selected PMRN reports.

Effectiveness of Core Instruction (ECI)
Effectiveness of Interventions (EI)
Effectiveness of Instruction calculations enable a teacher to determine the progress of students throughout the year. The Effectiveness of Core Reading Instruction (ECI) can be verified by the percentage of students who begin and complete a school year on grade level. Effectiveness of Instruction (EI) calculations may also be used by a teacher to determine the effectiveness of interventions in the classroom. For this calculation, the growth of students who began the school year with some level of risk is calculated. In this section you will find explanations of the indices.