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A Florida State University Center


We would like the thank the following individuals and organizations for thier contributions to this project

Just Read, Florida! Office at the Florida Department of Education
Evan Lefsky, Ph.D.
Cari Miller, M.A.

Empowering Teachers Development Team at FCRR
Tricia Montgomery, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Kimberly Russell, M.Ed.
Jill Taylor, B.A.
Mary Van Sciver, M.S.
Randee Winterbottom, M.S.
Sara Bryce, B.A.
Ashley Cilberti, B.S.

Curriculum & Instruction Team at FCRR
Marcia Kosanovich, Ph.D.
Elissa Arndt, M.S., CCC
Georgia Jordan, M.S.
Lila Rissman, M.S.
Michelle Wahl, M.S.
Teresa Logan, M.S.
Connie Weinstein, M.Ed.

Intervention Projects at FCRR
Liz Crawford, M.S., CCC-SLP

Technical Projects Group at FCRR
Karl Hook, M.S.
Danny Brooke, B.S.
Jamie Elliot

Technology Services at FCRR

Peter Lenkway, Ph.D.
Kristopher Roehrig-Bice, B.F.A.
Stanislav Ovcharenko
Kristin Anderson, B.S.
Allison Lepine, A.S.

Assessment Team at FCRR
Eric Limegrover

FCRR Staff
Barbara Foorman, Ph.D.
Joseph Torgesen, Ph.D.
Carol Connor, Ph.D.
Don Cook, B.A.

Eastern Regional Reading First Technical Assistance Staff
Stuart Greenburg, M.S.
Ruth Gumm
Sheryl Turner

Teacher Focus Group
Katherine Edwards
Luella Frye
Donna George
Susan Parsons
Nancy Taylor
