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Phonics and Word Analysis Instruction - Second Grade

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Can the student decode and write one and two syllable words? Help Me Decide Have the student:
(a) read words with one and two syllables, and
(b) write dictated words with one and two syllables
Sample- One Syllable
help, list, look, has, just, gave
Sample- Two Syllables
thinking, paper, tallest, before, lighten, started
Can the student decode and write irregularly spelled words? Help Me Decide Have the student:
(a) read words with irregular spellings, and
(b) write dictated words with irregular spellings
Sample- Irregularly Spelled Words
said, again, they, because, about, could
Can the student decode and write words with complex vowel patterns, digraphs, and consonant blends? Help Me Decide Have the student:
(a) read words that contain complex vowel patterns, digraphs, and consonant blends, and
(b) write dictated words that contain complex vowel patterns, digraphs, and consonant blends
Sample- Complex Vowel Patterns
boil, thread, friend, boy, chief, artist
Sample- Consonant Digraphs
phone, whale, then, shirt, fish, think
Sample- Consonant Blends
land, drink, raft, frame, fact, trunk
Does the student independently use common spelling patterns in writing? Help Me Decide Have the student:
(a) read sentences that include words containing complex vowel patterns, digraphs, and consonant blends, and
(b) write dictated sentences that include words containing complex vowel patterns, digraphs, and consonant blends
Sample- Complex Vowel Patterns
My dad enjoys reading books to me.
Our friends invited us to the park.
My mom let me join a club.
Sample- Consonant Digraphs
These are my favorite pens.
There was a child on the swings.
The phone in my bedroom is blue.
Sample- Consonant Blends
I wore a dress to school.
The math books in my class are green.
I help my dad cook dinner.
Does the student self-correct reading errors? Help Me Decide You will:
(a) look at student writing samples to confirm that words with common spelling patterns are written correctly
For more information refer to the Phonics section.

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