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 home >> Questions to Guide Instruction: First Grade: Vocabulary Instruction

A Florida State University Center

Vocabulary Instruction - First Grade

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Does the student describe common objects and events in both general and specific language? Help Me Decide Have the student:
(a) describe the items or objects in the school classroom / playground / cafeteria,
(b) describe their morning routine, and
(c) extend their descriptions of (a) and (b)
Can the student identify and sort common words into conceptual categories? Help Me Decide Have the student:
(a)  name the shown object or picture and identify the appropriate category (e.g., animals, food, and transportation)
Does the student understand and use new vocabulary in various contexts after it is introduced and taught directly? Help Me Decide Have the student:
(a)  use a current vocabulary word and apply it to different contexts
Does the student understand the correct meaning of multiple meaning words in context? Help Me Decide Have the student:
(a) identify the correct definition from several choices of a multiple meaning word in context, or
(b) provide a definition of the word in the context of a sentence
Can the student determine the meaning of words using clues from context? Help Me Decide Have the student:
(a) identify a sentence from several choices that reflects a specific meaning of the word, or
(b) provide a definition of the word based on the context in which it is used
For more information refer to the Vocabulary section.

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