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 home >> Questions to Guide Instruction: First Grade: Listening Comprehension Instruction

A Florida State University Center

Listening Comprehension - First Grade

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Can the student answer and ask lower level questions about the text (e.g., who, what, where, and when)? Help Me Decide Have the student:
(a) answer questions that begin with who, what, where, and when, and
(b) ask questions that begin with who, what, where, and when
Can the student answer and ask higher level questions about the text (e.g., why and how)? Help Me Decide Have the student:
(a) answer questions that begin with how, why, and what if
Can the student retell the main events of a story in the proper sequence (e.g., beginning, middle and end)? Help Me Decide Have the student:
(a) retell the main events in sequential order using pictures or sentences, and
(b) retell the main events in sequential order
Can the student identify the main idea from paragraphs or larger units of text? Help Me Decide Have the student:
(a) identify the main idea using pictures or sentences, and
(b) identify the main idea using a paragraph or larger units of text
Can the student answer questions and go to the text to identify details in support of their answers? Help Me Decide Have the student:
(a) answer explicit questions about supporting details from using pictures, phrases, or sentences, and
(b answer explicit questions about supporting details using larger units of text
For more information refer to the Comprehension section.

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