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 home >> Assessment Overview: PMRN: Class Year-End Outcome Report

A Florida State University Center

Class Year-End Outcome Report

Information this report provides:
1. DIBELS® results for your class by student for each measure administered

  • kindergarten: PPVT-III
  • first grade: PPVT-III and SAT-10
  • second grade: PPVT-III and SAT-10
  • third grade: PPVT-III, SAT-10, and FCAT
  • 2. Click on an individual student’s PPVT-III score to access the Raw Score, Standard Score, Percentile Rank, Normal Curve Equivalency, and Stanine
    3. Click on an individual student’s SAT-10 score to access the Raw Score, Standard Score, Percentile Rank, Normal Curve Equivalency, and Stanine
    4. Click on an individual student’s FCAT NRT score to access the Standard Score, Percentile Rank, Normal Curve Equivalency, and Stanine
    5. View all of your students OR just full year students
    6. View students’ previous year’s performance
    7. Sort by student name or by each individual Year-End Outcome test

    Questions that can be answered from this report:
    1. How closely did the reading instruction employed in the classroom meet the different needs of different groups of students?
    2. Was a group’s placement in immediate intensive intervention (iii) successful?
    3. How many students ended the year with grade level oral vocabulary?
    4. How many students ended the year with grade level reading comprehension?
    5. How many students ended the year with below grade level oral vocabulary?
    6. How many students ended the year with below grade level reading comprehension?

    This report does not provide:
    1. Access to other reports
    2. Only Reading First schools will have this data in the PMRN
