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 home >> Assessment Overview: Effectiveness of Core Instruction: How do I calculate the ECI

A Florida State University Center

How do I calculate the ECI?

Information this report provides:
1. Count the number of students at “Intensive” at Assessment 1 (6 students)
2. Count the number of students at “Intensive” at Assessment 1 (6 students)
3. 4/6 or 67% of the students who started the school year at "Initial" remained "Initial at Assessment 2.

If a student maintains “Initial” for both Assessment 1 and 2, this is an indication that the Core Reading Instruction and/or its implementation are meeting the instructional needs of the student.

If a student begins the year (Assessment 1) “Initial”, but does not remain “Initial” (Assessment 2), this is an indication that the Core Reading Instruction and/or its implementation is not meeting the instructional needs of the student.
